
来源:百度文库 编辑:中科新闻网 时间:2024/09/14 18:55:45

U/F Permeate / RO Permeate


· All recirculated and dip permeate rinses should be tested for bacteria once per week according to the procedures in Section 12-1, Testing.

· Treat for bacteria when a U/F or RO permeate rinse tests positive (>103) two (2) consecutive times.

· Treat the entire permeate rinse system even if only one rinse tested positive.

· Use the total number of gallons in the rinse system, plus 10% for piping, to calculate the amount of biocide to add.

· Generally, it’s best to alternate biocide treatments. Kathon EDC 1.5% or other liquid biocide one time, silver nitrate (AgNO3) the next. AgNO3 may not be adequate for some infections so discuss the treatment program with your technical specialist.

· Biocides for the electrocoat tank and associated rinses are contact killers. The biocide must come in contact with the bacteria to kill it.

· Maintain biocide level for 24 hours. Isolate rinses, do not over flow or transfer.


See Section 12-4 for suppliers and recommended dosages.

Kathon EDC 1.5% (or equivalent) - Add 1 – 2.3 gallons of liquid biocide per 1,000 gallons of rinse system to be treated.

Example: The dosage for an electrocoat system with two (2) - 3,500 gallon recirculated rinses plus a 40,000 permeate dip rinse would be as follows:

40,000 gallons permeate dip
+ 7,000 gallons recirculated rinses
47,000 gallons
+ 4,700 gallons 10% for piping
51,700 gallons to treat

51,700 gals. ¸ 1,000 = 51.7 gallons of liquid biocide

This is assuming a treatment of 1 gallon of biocide per 1,000 gal of E-Coat.

Silver Nitrate - Add 0.33 lb. per 1,000 gallons of E/Coat system to be treated. This is equal to 39-PPM dosage. For infections >105, a higher dosage of silver nitrate may be required.

Example: The dosage for an electrocoat system with two (2) - 3,500 gallon recirculated rinses plus a 40,000 permeate dip rinse would be as follows:

40,000 gallons permeate dip
+ 7,000 gallons recirculated rinses
47,000 gallons
+ 4,700 gallons 10% for piping
51,700 gallons to treat

51,700 gallons ö 1000 = 51.7 X 0.33 = 17 Lbs. Silver Nitrate


U/F渗透/ RO渗透


· 所有重新散播并且蘸渗透冲洗为细菌每星期根据过程在节12-1应该曾经被测试, 测试。

· 为细菌的享受当时一U/F或RO渗透冲洗积极的测试(>103) 2(2) 联贯的时间。

· 对待全部渗透即使冲洗系统仅仅一个冲洗测试积极。

· 使用加伦的全部的数量在冲洗系统, 加10% 因为尖叫, 计算biocide的数量增加。

· 通常, 它’到交替的biocide治疗的s最好。 Kathon EDC 1.5% 或另外的液体biocide一次, 银硝酸根(AgNO3) 下一。 为一些感染AgNO3不能是充足的与你的技术的专家这样讨论治疗节目。

· 为electrocoat坦克的Biocides并且联系冲洗是联系杀手。 在接触与细菌biocide必须来杀死它。

· 有24个小时的时间维持biocide水平。 孤立冲洗, 不流动上或转移。



Kathon EDC 1.5% (或等价物) - 增加1– 液体biocide的2.3加伦每1,000加伦的冲洗系统被对待。

例子: 为有2的一个electrocoat系统的下药(2) - 3,500加伦重新散播冲洗加一40,000渗透蘸冲洗将同下:

+ 7,000加伦重新散播冲洗
+ 4,700加伦10% 因为尖叫

51,700 女郎。 ¸ 1,000 = 液体biocide的51.7加伦


银硝酸根- 增加0.33磅。 每被对待的E/大衣系统的1,000加伦。 对39-PPM下药这相等。 为感染>105, 银硝酸根的更高的下药可以被要求。

例子: 为有2的一个electrocoat系统的下药(2) - 3,500加伦重新散播冲洗加一40,000渗透蘸冲洗将同下:

+ 7,000加伦重新散播冲洗
+ 4,700加伦10% 因为尖叫

51,700 加伦ö 1000 = 51.7 X 0.33= 17磅。 银硝酸根