
来源:百度文库 编辑:中科新闻网 时间:2024/07/04 23:13:22
White pollution persists

Huang Naili
WE'VE been hearing and talking about it for a fairly long time: curbing what has become known as “white" pollution. But still we are using the white polystyrene (PS) foam food containers and other disposable plastic products, which largely make up this form of littering.
Miandianwang, a well-known local fast-food chain, is still handing out takeout food in these PS foam containers, even though they should been phased out before December 31, 2000, under a Central Government decree. One of the waiters said in its outlet on Hongli Road on Monday that they are going to switch to environmentally friendly containers “some time in the future".
However, the Miandianwang outlet in Sam's Club, which is affiliated with Wal-Mart, is offering take-out food in light brown containers which are biodegradable. Liang, a clerk with Sam's Club, told Shenzhen Daily yesterday that the club required the Miandianwang outlet to do so in its contract.
According to Liang, all the departments in the club switched to biodegradable containers during the Spring Festival holiday.
Zhao Hua, with the energy division of the Shenzhen Municipal Economic Development Bureau, one of the five municipal government departments involved in the curbing of white pollution in the city, said on Monday that large companies and retailers like Wal-Mart and Vanguard have responded to the decree by switching to biodegradable containers. But she admitted that is just the tip of the iceberg in the seemingly endless war on white pollution in the city.
Zhao's bureau has met with four other relevant departments on several occasions. What they produced is not a feasible solution but an echo or rewording of the Central Government decree, according to Luo Wei from Shenzhen Municipal Legal Affairs Bureau, who is responsible for reviewing this “echo". The “echo" has now been passed on to the municipal government which is expected to announce it formally in the near future. But Luo said she's not sure if this rewording can play a significant role in eliminating white pollution in the city. “We don't lack laws, regulations or decrees. The real concern is the effective enforcement of these laws or regulations," said Luo.
Zhao Hua admitted that cities like Shanghai and other coastal cities which are sensitive about their image as tourist destinations are doing a better job in this regard. “Shanghai is said to have produced a very detailed handbook on how to carry out the curbing work and Hainan has even banned disposable foam slippers in hotels," Zhao said.
Liu Guanqing, president of Shenzhen Xunbao Investment Development Co Ltd, a local manufacturer of biodegradable food containers was very eager to hear the municipal government's decision on the matter. “Since early this year, I've seen orders fly in. I'll expand production once the government announces its stance on the issue."


黄 Naili
我们已经听而且谈论它达非常长的时间之久: 已经变得已知如 " 白色的 " 污染的边石。 但是剧照我们正在使用白色的聚苯乙烯 (PS) 泡沫食物容器和其他的用完即可丢弃的塑料产品,这主要地组成乱丢垃圾的这一种形式。
Miandianwang ,众所周知的地方速食链,仍然正在传递出带出去这些 PS 泡沫容器的食物, 即使他们应该在 2000 年十二月 31 日之前被逐步淘汰,在一条中央的政府法令之下。 侍者之一在星期一说在 Hongli 道路上的它出口中他们将要转变到环境友好的容器 " 数时间未来".
然而,山姆的和 Wal 有密切关系的俱乐部的 Miandianwang 出口-市场正在对于生物所能分解的淡褐色容器提供出仓食物。两,有山姆的俱乐部的一个店员,昨天每日告诉了深圳俱乐部必需的 Miandianwang 出口在它的契约中这么做。
Zhao Hua, 藉由深圳的能源区分市政的经济发展局,五个参与城市的白色污染的边石市政的政府部门之一, 在星期一说像 Wal 一样的大公司和零售商-市场和前锋已经藉由转变到生物所能分解的容器回应法令。 但是她承认那只是表面上永无止境的冰山顶端战争的城市白色的污染。
Zhao's 的局已经遇到在一些场合上的四个其他的有关部门。 什么他们生产不是能实行的解决但是回声或中央的政府法令的重述, 依照来自深圳的 Luo Wei 市政的合法事件局,负责检讨这一声 " 回声 ". " 回声 " 现在对被期望在不久的将来内正式地宣布它的市政政府已经被逝世。 但是 Luo 说,如果这重述能在除去城市的白色污染方面扮演重要角色,她不确定。 "我们不缺乏法律,规则或法令。 真正的关心是这些法律的有效厉行或规则,"Luo 说。
Zhao Hua 承认像上海和敏感的其他海岸的城市城市有关如游客的目的地的他们图像的事正在做这关心的一个较好的工作。 " 上海被说已经在该如何实行边石工作之上生产一本非常详细的手册而且海南甚至已经在旅馆中禁止用完即可丢弃的泡沫拖鞋",Zhao 说。
Liu Guanqing ,深圳 Xunbao 投资发展 Co 公司的总统,一个生物所能分解食物容器的地方制造业者是非常热心听到在物质上的市政政府的决定。 "自今年的早之后,我已经见到命令飞行进入。 一经政府宣布在议题上的它态度,我将扩张制造。"
