
来源:百度文库 编辑:中科新闻网 时间:2024/10/03 06:45:07
>>What are you waiting for? Live life to the fullest. We are not promised tomorrow, so enjoy today!
>>We believe that life will be better after we get married, have baby, then another. Then we are discouraged that the kids aren't clever enough and we'll be more pleased when they are. After that, we're discouraged that we have teenagers to deal with. We will certainly be happy when they are out of that stage. We will tell ourselves that our life will be completed when our love house, when we retire, when we win the lottery.
>>The truth is, there's no better time to be happy than right now. If not now, when?Your life will always be filled with challenges. It's best to admit this to yourself and decide to be happy right now.
>>So, treasure every moment that you have. Recognize that each breathe you take is a gift and be thankful. Remember that time waits for no one.So stop waiting until ou finish school,until you go back to school,until ou lose the weight,until you have kids,until your kids leave the house,until you start work,until you retire,until you get married,until you get divorced,until Friday night,until Sunday morning,until your car or home is paid off,until spring,until summer,until fall,until winter,until you've had a drink,until you die,until you are born again——to decide there is no better time than right now to be happy.
>>Happiness is a journey,not a purpose. So, work like you don't need money, love like you've never been hurt, and dance like no one's watching.

你正在等候什么? 居住对最充满的生活。 我们不被明天答应, 因此今天!
>>在我们结婚之后 , 我们相信生活将会是比较好的,有宝贝, 然后另外的。 然后我们是气馁的小孩不是够聪明的,而且当他们是的时候 , 我们将会是更高兴的。 在那之后,我们是气馁的我们有青少年处理。 当他们超出那一个阶段的时候我们确定地决意很快乐。 我们将会看得出我们自己我们的生活将会被完成当我们的爱房子,当我们退休的时候,当我们赢得奖券的时候。
>>事实是,没有比较好的时间很快乐比较立刻。 如果不现在,何时?你的生活将会总是充满挑战。 对你自己这而且决定立刻很快乐是最好的。
>>如此,每片刻珍爱你有。 每个呼吸你拿是一个礼物并且是感谢的。 次等候没有人。如此停止直到 ou 完成学校等候,直到你回去学校,直到 ou 减重量,直到你有小孩,直到你的小孩离开房子,直到你开始工作,直到你退休,直到你结婚,直到你拿办离婚,直到星期五夜晚,直到星期日早晨, 直到你的汽车或家走开被支付,直到春天,直到夏天,直到秋天,直到冬天, 直到你已经有一种饮料, 直到你死, 直到你再一次出生要决定的——没有比较好的时间比较立刻到很快乐。
>>快乐是一次旅程而不是一个目的。 如此,相似的工作你不钱,相似的爱你从未被伤害, 和跳舞相似的没有人看。