当我想你的时候 六线谱:金桥国际酒店公寓

来源:百度文库 编辑:中科新闻网 时间:2024/07/04 19:04:43
Sorry, I can't type Chinese at work, so please bear with me.

Does anybody know anything about 金桥国际酒店公寓 in Beijing? This is their web site:


Their address is: 中国北京市东二环广渠门北里55号

Does anybody have any experience living in this hotel?

In particular, I need information about transportation. Is it far away from the city centre, the train station and the bar street?

Besides taxi, do I have other options? Any subway (underground train)?

The prices are 498 RMB and 598 RMB. Are they reasonable in Beijing?

Thanks alot.
I don't need web information. I have read all of them. What I want is responses from the locals. Thanks.










Hello there, as I don't know whether you can read Chinese at work or not, allow me to write in English.

The 金桥国际酒店公寓, which was built in accordance with the 5-star standard, locates very very near the railway station. But, unfortunately, it is too close to the railway station to have other options but taxi to go there. I have lived there for 3 nights and felt good, but in my memory the price rate war about RMB 700/night for double room. So if you can book at the price of 498/598, I think it is a good deal.

I have not any experience living in this hotel but I know it was a nice 4-stars hotel.
It's not so far away from the city centre and in the downtown area. Just 2km from Beijing raiway station and the subway station of Beijing railway station. No subway station there. The address "Guangqumen Beili" is its bar street.
If you come from Beijing international airport. U can take the airport-bus line 2 to Beijing railway station(price:RMB16), then take bus no.29/52/122/434/821 to Guanqumen(price:RMB1).
The prices RMB498 and RMB598 is reasonable in Beijing. Sometimes u can get 10-30% off.

