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<TITLE>金山词霸 2006</TITLE>

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td{font-family: "宋体"; font-size: 14px}

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<body background="file:///D:\Program Files\Kingsoft\PowerWord 2006\images\ViewBkgrd.bmp" bgproperties="fixed"><table border=0 width=800>

<tr><td width="100%" colspan="3"><img src="file:///D:\Program Files\Kingsoft\PowerWord 2006\images\logo.gif"><br><br></td></tr><p><tr><td width="100%" colspan="3">

<b>简明英汉词典<b><hr color=#000080></td></tr>




<td width=30><p align=right><img border=0 src="file:///D:\Program Files\Kingsoft\PowerWord 2006\images\point.gif" align=right width=9 height=10></p></td>

<td width=770>

<b>Germany </b></td>



<td width=30></td>

<td width=770>

[ <font color="#0000FF"face="Kingsoft Phonetic Plain">5dVE:mEni </font>] </td>



<td width=30></td>

<td width=770>

n. </td>



<td width=30></td>

<td width=770>

德国 <p><tr><td width="100%" colspan="3">

<b>美国传统词典[双解]<b><hr color=#000080></td></tr>




<td width=30><p align=right><img border=0 src="file:///D:\Program Files\Kingsoft\PowerWord 2006\images\point.gif" align=right width=9 height=10></p></td>

<td width=770>

<b>Germany </b></td>



<td width=30></td>

<td width=770>

<b>Ger.ma.ny </b></td>



<td width=30></td>

<td width=770>

AHD:[ <font color="#0000FF"face="Basemic">j?r“m…-n? </font>] 缩写 <b>Ger. </b></td>



<td width=30></td>

<td width=770>

D.J.[ <font color="#0000FF"face="Basemic">6d9*8m*ni8 </font>] </td>



<td width=30></td>

<td width=770>

K.K.[ <font color="#0000FF"face="Basemic">6d9)m*ni </font>] </td>



<td width=30></td>

<td width=770>

NONE(无词性) </td>



<td width=30></td>

<td width=770>

A country of north-central Europe bordered on the north by the Baltic and North seas. Occupied since c. 500 <b>b.c. </b> by Germanic tribes, it was part of the kingdom of the Franks by the time of Charlemagne and later became a loose federation of principalities and the nucleus of the Holy Roman Empire after the coronation of Otto I in 962. Religious strife and dynastic feuds weakened the imperial state, which was broken up by Napoleon in 1806. After 1815 Germany became a confederation, then an empire centered around Prussia (1871-1918). The Weimar Republic, proclaimed after Germany's defeat in World War I, collapsed under the rise of Adolf Hitler and the Nazis. Hitler's megalomaniac dream of a Third Reich led to World War II and to yet another defeat by Allied forces. From 1949 to 1990 the territory was divided between


Germany 是德国
German 是德国人/德国话
