
来源:百度文库 编辑:中科新闻网 时间:2024/07/04 02:50:38

How to Get Your Career Off to a Blazing Start

??????? Last week I spoke with Tom Ryder, chairman and former CEO of The Reader's Digest Association, about what advice he gives to young people as they launch their careers. He shared what he calls "Ryder's Rules for Success." Rule #1: Work harder than anyone. Rule #2: Smile more than anyone. Rule #3: Volunteer for all the jobs that no one else wants to do. Following these rules will certainly get you off on the right foot in your new job and differentiate you from your peers. Let me elaborate:

Maintain a positive attitude. Attitude is the single most important thing that you carry into the early days of your job. It's also something over which you have nearly complete control. Be the kind of person who creates rather than saps energy from other people. Be upbeat and optimistic. Listen much more than you speak. Ask good questions. Don't be a know-it-all. Be proactive.

Work Hard. There's no escaping the fact that hard work on a consistent basis is an essential requirement for success. Pete Dawkins, vice chairman of the Citigroup Private Bank, a former Brigadier General, Rhodes Scholar, and Heisman Trophy winner on the 1958 West Point football team, said the most common thread about excellence is that the best performers across all disciplines work harder than anyone else. "You just go down the line, the people who are the very best in the world not only have a passion and a genius for what they do, but they work the hardest."

So as you start your career, get into the office early. Stay late. But don't work hard just to create face-time. Do so to get more high-quality work done. You can still work hard and find time to keep your personal life, family obligations and physical self in shape. Take advantage of the time shifting that's possible in today's work place by responding to the e-mails that you didn't have time to address in the office from home at night.

Deliver on Your Commitments. Become known as someone who can be counted on to successfully complete whatever task is requested on time and with high quality.

You should expect that your first job will be narrowly defined, so some of your early assignments might seem menial. They aren't. Delivering on your commitments builds trust and confidence. You'll be surprised how quickly larger and more significant assignments flow your way when you develop this reputation.

Do completed staff work. Completed staff work is a concept that I learned as an associate at McKinsey & Company. This means going beyond the rote to understand why something is asked for and how it'll be used when it's completed.

If a client-service executive asks you for an analysis of a target account, for example, completed staff work will be a finished product that can be proudly passed along to your boss's boss or to the client itself. Set this as the standard for all of your work.

Focus on the success of others. Develop this habit from day one of your career. It's a guaranteed success strategy that if you make others around you successful, then you'll be successful as a natural consequence (see "Leadership: Nice Guys Finish First").

Why? That's because the most talented people will want to work with you. You become in-demand for the most important projects by the most senior people, and you build a network of supporters across the organization who are pulling for your success.

But how, you may ask, can I help others be successful if I'm brand new in the job myself? Look for ways to be helpful. Be proactive. Be willing to take on extra or unpopular work. Keep focused on the goals of your boss, your team, and your company ahead of your own goals.

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Five Tips for a Great Life After Graduation

Degree is just one of many life goals each of these graduates will achieve in their life. Here are some tips that can help them fulfill additional dreams:

1. Choose Your Life

You don't get what you wish for in life, you get what you go for. So don't let your life just happen -- create it! Choose your career (or more likely, careers). Choose where you live and with whom you surround yourself. Choose with whom you fall in love -- and with whom you don't. Choose how you take care of your health. Choose your spiritual life. Choose how and how much you give back to society by helping others.

Having to make so many of those choices at once -- especially regarding relationship, career, financial, identity, and spiritual questions -- can result in a "quarterlife crisis" that is also a terrific opportunity for growth.


2. Follow Your Plan

I've got news for you: The "what am I going to do with my life" question that may loom so large for you now never really goes away. You'll ask yourself the same thing at 30, 40, 50, 60, and so on. So get used to it -- and don't blindly follow the expectations of your parents, professors, or mentors. Their beliefs are based on their life experience, not yours. They don't control your destiny, you do. Live your plan, and follow your spiritual purpose, not someone else's.

That's easy to say, but can be hard to do.


3. See the World

According to the American Council on Education, 93 percent of undergrads who wanted to study abroad never did. If you're one of them -- or if you got a taste of travel and want to do more -- now's a great time to do it before a career, mortgage, kids, and other responsibilities loom large in your life.

Not only is it fun, travel can be life-shaping -- and the independence, flexibility, and comfort with other cultures you learn can be career-enhancing, too.


4. Become a Young "Automatic Millionaire"

Once you get your first job, pay yourself first. If you start by saving just $10 a day, or about one hour a day of an entry-level job's income, you'll have $678,146 in savings 30 years from now, assuming a 10% annual rate of return. In 40 years, you'd have $1,897,244. That means you'll have more freedom to do what you want to do with your life then 90% of your friends. The sooner you start to save money the more freedom you will have to be who you really want to be. Get more details from my book, "The Automatic Millionaire".

5. Take Some Risks
The sooner you go for your dreams, the better your chances of living a life where your dreams come true. The longer you wait, the harder dreams are to achieve. That's because living out your dreams is a lot like exercise. You build dream muscle over your lifetime that makes it easier to define and work toward your goals every time you try.

You only have one life and it's precious, so get out and go for it!

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Michael's Beautiful Statement

In the boardroom, when Mr. Trump asked Michael?who should be fired, he presented a very beautiful statement:

I would have to fire the person who be the most difficult to manage in the task.When you look at the team like this;?and you are struggling for the same goal. Everyone in the team should try to work together, People need to be able to be managed, and they need to manage. And if you have one person that is causing mismanagement because of the way they attitude is, or because of the way they acted, you have to look at that person and say why? And you have to look at the project manager and say are they trying everything they can to manage that person correctly?

Trump admire?his statement, and?Michael continue saying that: When you believe something from your heart; it is hard not to say something like that.

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Put Aside Your Excuses and Grow

Are you personally growing, learning new skills at work? Are you working on a growth project, one that's going to keep your company ahead of the competition? Are you part of a growth company, one that's increasing both revenues and earnings?

If you answered no to any of the above, both you and your company could be in trouble. Why? Because if you're not working for a growth company, you're going to be supplanted by someone who is.

Every Business Is a Growth Business

One of the things that make a company truly great is its ability to grow, year in and year out, regardless of what's happening in the overall economy. I truly believe that every business is a growth business.

That's an easy idea for people who are in heath care, or energy, or who sell iPod accessories to understand. But the statement is often greeted with skepticism by everyone else, especially if they work in basic manufacturing, the automotive industry, commodity chemicals, or other places that aren't typically referred to as "hot."

People in those fields dismiss the premise out of hand. When asked why, they rattle off a long list of excuses to try and explain away the reason their firm isn't able to grow -- either today or in the immediate future. You know the litany:

The market is flat. None of our competitors are growing.

We're in a commodity business. Our product/service is the same as what everyone else offers. We can't differentiate what we sell.

We're getting killed by imports.

Forget about growth. In this economic environment, if we can just increase sales and earnings at the rate of inflation, we're doing great.

Customers will buy only on price.
Relying on these excuses shows a remarkable lack of both imagination and determination. The reality is that every business really can be a growth business if you approach it in a different way -- you need to change your mindset.

Your Customers' Other Needs

One easy way to apply your imagination effectively is by employing an approach I call "expanding the pond." The underlying idea is simple: When you expand the pond, you try to fill additional needs your existing customers may have or are likely to have.

In other words, you sell more to the customers you already have by moving into related market segments, offering products and/or services that complement your current line. You literally expand the pond in which you fish for business by redefining what you do for a living to be more inclusive, while still remaining true to your core.

Some examples will show you how this works. Dell (DELL), long dominant in personal computers, has expanded its pond by moving into an adjacent market: It now sells printers -- and the high-margin accessories associated with it, such as ink.

Wal-Mart (WMT), the world's largest retailer, decided to add groceries to its offerings, in an attempt to get a greater share of its customers' wallets. Having done that successfully -- by adding food products to the mix of merchandise in its regular stores and opening "super centers," where it combines its traditional store with a supermarket -- it's expanding its pond again.

It's now adding products found in Staples and Home Depot to its mix. And there's more to come. Wal-Mart will be making a major push into appliances, long a Sears stronghold.

Starbucks (SBUX) has expanded its pond in many different directions. To give customers a reason to spend more time in its stores, it has added Wi-Fi (wireless high-speed Internet access). Like the music you hear playing while sipping your double espresso? You can buy it. And if you want to extend "the Starbucks experience" to your home, you can purchase Starbucks coffee at your local supermarket.

Staying Focused

One key danger in trying to expand your pond is that you'll go too far, adding a product or service that your customers don't see as a natural fit. A way to make sure you stay focused is to redefine your market in such a way that your current large share under the present market definition becomes much smaller under the new one.

That's exactly what the major soft drink companies have done -- they've redefined the areas in which they compete. It's no longer soft drinks. It includes beverages of all kinds.

The continuing battle between Coke (KO) and Pepsi (PEP) today involves not just carbonated beverages -- which comprise just 3 percent of the total liquids we consume each day -- but the other 97 percent as well. Each company has moved into nonalcoholic beverages such as bottled water, juice, and athletic drinks. Coca-Cola alone now offers more than 400 beverage brands worldwide.

Seek a Growth Company

The best leaders in growing companies understand that every business is a growth business. That's one of the things that make them the best. They figure out ways to grow -- especially internally -- by selling more products to customers they already have a relationship with, while their competitors continued to come up with excuses why they can't.

If you're not in a growth company and can't make it one, it's probably time for you to leave and join an organization that believes in growth.

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Watch Your Back

Trump said: "I?feel everybody is wantting my job. So everybody is ultimately competition. "So when you go through periods, where people come met you, go after room, fight them hard, and win. " i wouldn't say it is a great way to live a life, but you have the advantage of having the top spot. don't let anybody to take the top spot from you. STAY FOCUSED!!"

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Tips From Donald Trump

All in the family

Many people have priorities. In some case it is family, in some case it is business. Have priorities, if you love your family, love it. If you love your business, love it. But there is room for other things, so you can have a great family and also do a great job at business, try getting a more in it. ?