
来源:百度文库 编辑:中科新闻网 时间:2024/07/04 22:53:34

缘分天使(triangel) Triangel来历: 相传希腊爱神有两只箭,一只金箭,一只银箭,金箭是用来帮助有缘份的人们,而银箭是专门用来破坏缘份的,所以爱神派出一个天使来阻止银箭守护神情人之间的缘份,这个天使就是-----Triangel. Triangel的传说: Triangel_这只手工玩偶,出自意大利著名的典故.相传在公元前二世纪的古罗马,有一位善良的女孩,和她的男朋友相亲相爱。后来,她的男朋友被一个青蛙魔女施以魔法,勾引了过去,渐渐的冷落了她。她整天整夜地座在窗前,哭着,哭着。最后,她的哭声感动了天上的众神,令仙鹤叼来此只爱之神---TRIANGEL,放在女孩的窗前。青蛙魔女立刻现出了原形,逃走了。她的男朋友又重新回到她的身边,她们又相亲相爱了。现在意大利的女孩喜欢将这只爱之神玩偶放在自己的房间里,让爱之神守护着自己。

【内容简介】:A ragtag team of scientists, led by billionaire Eric Benirall (Sam Neill, Jurassic Park, Horse Whisperer), attempts to discover what in the Bermuda Triangle is causing Benirall's cargo ships to disappear.

Created and executive produced by Bryan Singer (X-Men), Dean Devlin (Independence Day, Godzilla), and Rockne S. O'Bannon (Farscape, Alien Nation) who also wrote the screenplay, The Triangle is a SciFi Channel original miniseries, slated to air on three consecutive nights in December 2005.

The Triangle stars Eric Stoltz as Howard Thomas, a cynical reporter working for a supermarket tabloid, Sam Neill as shipping tycoon Eric Benirall, Lou Diamond Phillips as Meeno Paloma, the sole survivor of a shipping accident who finds that bits and pieces of his memory are missing, Catherine Bell as deep-ocean resource engineer Emily Patterson, Bruce Davison as psychic Stan Lathem, and Michael Rodgers as a thrill-seeking meteorology professor.
