
来源:百度文库 编辑:中科新闻网 时间:2024/07/02 20:19:47
的确查字典是有明确的中文定义,如提议 建议 动议什么的~可我都不明白,还是分不清,最好讲详细点嘛

They almost mean the same things; applications different though.

Proposal is more serious, formal and is usually in writing. Sometimes, we can verbally propose for instance a plan.

Suggestion is less serious, formal and is usually in verbal. When we use suggestion in writing, a suggestion is usually shorter than a proposal and is not always back up by any evidence.

Motion has a very narrow usage. A motion is an application to a law court. In a meeting, we have to move a motion for a vote to become a decision.

I try to use simple English. Hopefully my response is not too difficult for you.

proposal 提议
suggestion 建议
motion 动议