
来源:百度文库 编辑:中科新闻网 时间:2024/07/07 10:09:26
Mr. Gore authorized that statement after meeting with his wife, Tipper, and with top advisers including Mr. Daley.
He was expected to telephone Mr. Bush during the day. The Bush campaign kept a low profile and moved gingerly, as if to leave space for Mr. Gore to contemplate his next steps.
Yet, at the end of a trying and tumultuous process that had focused world attention on sleepless vote counters across Florida, and on courtrooms form Miami to Tallahassee to Atlanta to Washington the Texas governor was set to become the 43d U. S. president.

The news of Mr. Gore’s plans followed the longest and most rancorous dispute over a U. S. presidential election in more than a century, one certain to leave scars in a badly divided country.

It was a bitter ending for Mr. Gore, who had outpolled Mr. Bush nationwide by some 300000 votes, but, without Florida, fell short in the Electoral College by 271votes to 267—the narrowest Electoral College victory since the turbulent election of 1876.
Mr. Gore was said to be distressed by what he and many Democratic activists felt was a partisan decision from the nation’s highest court.
The 5-to –4 decision of the Supreme Court held, in essence, that while a vote recount in Florida could be conducted in legal and constitutional fashion, as Mr. Gore had sought, this could not be done by the Dec. 12 deadline for states to select their presidential electors.
James Baker 3rd, the former secretary of state who represented Mr. Bush in the Florida dispute, issued a short statement after the U. S. high court ruling, saying that the governor was “very pleased and gratified.”
Mr. Bush was planning a nationwide speech aimed at trying to begin to heal the country’s deep, aching and varied divisions. He then was expected to meet with congressional leaders, including Democrats. Dick Cheney, Mr. Bush’s ruing mate, was meeting with congressmen Wednesday in Washington.
When Mr. Bush, who is 54, is sworn into office on Jan.20, he will be only the second son of a president to follow his father to the White House, after John Adams and John Quincy Adams in the early 19th century.

先生. 在和他的妻子,给小费者见面之后被授权那一份陈述的高尔, 和由于包括先生的高层顾问. Daley.
他被期望打电话给先生. 布什在那天期间. 布什活动小心翼翼地保持了低的描绘而且移动, 好像离开提供先生的空间. 注视他的下一个的高尔行走.
然而,在一个尝试和已经将世界注意集中在不睡眠的选票横过佛罗里达的柜台吵闹的程序结束的时候,而且在法庭上形式到华盛顿的到亚特兰大的到塔拉哈西的迈阿密德克萨斯 州长被设定来变成 43 d U. S. 总统.

先生的新闻. 高尔的计划跟随了最长的和大部分关于 a U 的深恨争论. S. 总统大选在超过世纪, 一确定的在一个严重分开的国家中离开疤痕.

资讯科技是先生的一个苦的终止. 高尔,而且这高尔有了 outpolled 先生. 全国性的布什藉着约 300000张选票,但是在 271张选票的选举人学院中,没有佛罗里达,达不到到 267- 最狭窄的选举人的学院胜利自从~以后狂暴选举 1876.
先生. 高尔被说被他和许多民主的活跃份子感觉的苦恼是来自国家最高的法院效忠的判决.
5- 到–被拿着的最高法院的 4 决定,基本上,当在佛罗里达的一个选票重新计票可能在合法的和宪法的流行中被引导的时候,如先生. 高尔已经寻找,这无法在十二月之前被做. 12 为州的截止期限选择他们的总统有选举权的人.
詹姆士面包师傅第三,表现了先生的前国务卿. 佛罗里达争论的布什,在 U 之后发行了一份短陈述. S. 高等法院判决, 说管理者是 " 非常高兴的而且使满足。”
先生. 布什正在计划一场被针对尝试开始痊愈国家的深处,渴望和不同的区分全国性的演讲. 他然后被期望和国会领袖见面,包括民主党党员. 钱尼,先生. 布什后悔配偶, 正在星期三在华盛顿和国会议员见面.
当先生. 布什,是 54,进入在 Jan.20 上的办公室之内被宣誓, 他只将会是一位总统的第二个儿子跟随他的父亲到白宫,在早的 19 世纪内在约翰亚当和约翰昆西亚当之后.

那建议百分之十五到二十的加薪会上升到五十百分比. 老师会工作那年的十一个月代替十. 优良的老师和那些同意在和不足的混乱学校和主题中教的人可以拿额外的薪资.

计划不需要传统的训练就进入为那些教之内也要求比较好的工作情况 , 和较多的路.

国立教育协会是美国最大的老师联盟. 因为创新的想法不是什么新的东西,它的总统说来自中心的提议.

普通型的织布者说,学校将不改善,直到老师有做他们的工作所需的支持,技术和训练. 他说最确信方法结束老师不足是给所有的老师接受他们必须做的认识工作的薪资.