宜宾市三中官网':titanic 沉船的英文(简短)

来源:百度文库 编辑:中科新闻网 时间:2024/07/03 11:15:07
大概内容 船开始缓缓下沉,一幕悲剧开始上演了。

Titanic (tītăn'ĭk) , British liner that sank on the night of Apr. 14–15, 1912, after crashing into an iceberg in the N Atlantic S of Newfoundland. More than 1,500 lives were lost. The Titanic, thought to be the fastest ship afloat and almost unsinkable, was on her maiden voyage and carried many notables among the more than 2,200 persons aboard. These circumstances made the loss seem the more appalling to the public in England and the United States.
Official and other investigations revealed that messages of warning had been sent but had either not been received by the commanding officers or had been ignored by them. The ship had continued at full speed even after the warnings were sent. She did not carry sufficient lifeboats, and many of the lifeboats were launched with only a few of the seats occupied. Other vessels in the vicinity were unable to reach the Titanic before she sank; one, only 10 mi (16 km) away, did not respond because her wireless operator had retired for the evening.

The disaster brought about measures to promote safety at sea, particularly the establishment of a patrol to make known the location of icebergs and of stringent regulations about the proper number and proper equipment of lifeboats to be carried by vessels. The catastrophe inspired a large literature. An expedition led by Robert D. Ballard discovered the wreck in 1985.

The titanic slowly went down into the sea water.

A tragedy was on.

All the passengers were not ready for it at all.

They fled for their lives in panic.

Some screamed in a sorrow,Some,
tears rolled down from the cheek,
and some were at a loss.

Titanic hit the iceberg on the side and it bumped along, punching some holes and it began to sink. The tradey began. Most of the passengers were in panic, some jumped into the dark icy water, some screamed, some were rushing to get onto the liftboat, some were just waiting...helpless,hopeless.
Two hours and forty minutes after the collison, Titanic was completely under water.