
来源:百度文库 编辑:中科新闻网 时间:2024/10/04 21:13:25
文章:今天,我读完了《The Teddy Stoddard’s story》这个故事。故事并不长,但却很感人。Jean Thompson,一个普通的小学老师,却用爱改变了一个孩子一生的命运。面对Teddy略显寒酸的礼物,Mrs. Thompson不但没有嘲笑他,反而还赞美他的礼物。让失去母亲Teddy,又感受到了母爱。从此Teddy变得活跃起来,又恢复了往日的笑脸,并从此走向成功的道路。读完这个故事以后,我想了很久。爱原来可以改变一切,包括创造奇迹。

Today, I read through "The Teddy Stoddard 's story". The story is not very long, but moving. Jean Thompson, an ordinary primary school teacher, but she changed a boy's whole life with her love. Facing the Teddy's simple and crude gift, Mrs. Thompson did not ridicule him, but praise his gift,Which made Teddy as if lost mother, and felt monther's love.From then on,Teddy became active, and with the past smiling face on his face again, and then he walked on the path of success. After reading this story, I ponder for a long time. Originally love can change everything, including miracles.

Today, I read "<The Teddy Stoddard 's story> this story. The story is not long, but very moving. Jean Thompson, an ordinary primary school teachers, but with love changed the fate of a child's life. Teddy face lights stinginess gift, Mrs.. Thompson has not ridicule him, but also praise his gift. Let Teddy lost mother, and feel the love. Teddy then become active, and the restoration of the past smiling face, and then the path of success. After reading this story, I think for a long time. Original love can change everything, including miracles.


I have finished to read << The Teddy Stoddard’s story>> today, the content is not long but too touching. Jean Thompson, a common teacher, but changed a life of a child under her love. Mrs Thompson did not only laugh at Teddy when she received his not expensive present, but also praised it. That let lose mother love of Teddy felt it again. Therefrom, Teddy had became active and happy as before. Under this matter, Teddy was tend towards success. After finished it that I thought a long, I found that Love can change everything, such as create ferly.