凤凰涅盘朗诵:谁有的王雪娥 sorry这首歌的下载?

来源:百度文库 编辑:中科新闻网 时间:2024/07/04 13:35:49

你很容易迷失别人怀里 那感觉很容易腻
任凭我一千个委屈 一万个不愿意 都敌不过你一句 SORRY
我太容易忘记你的背义 那感觉很像是命中注定
任凭爱一千次伤心 一万遍骗自己 我还是要和你纠缠
没有勇气 就别再爱下去
风凄凄 孤零零 无根的枯叶都会想休息

真的爱我 就别在试探下去
我恨你 我骂你 还不都是想要拥有你


sorry for the stupid things
Sometimes we wish for the better 有的时候我们希翼更好些
When we have it good as it gets 当它已经很好的时候
Sometimes the grass isn't greener 有时草欠绿一些
Sometimes we find out we forget 有时我们发现我们已经忘却
Sometimes the fool doesn't know he's a fool 有的时候傻子不知道自己是傻子
Sometimes a dog he don't know he's a dog 有的时候狗不知道自己是条狗
Sometimes I do stupid things to you 有的时候我对你做了傻事
When I really don't mean it all 而我真的不想
Sometimes a man 有时一个男人
Just don't be a man 并不是男人
It's not an excuse 男人只是一个借口
It's just how it is 就是这样
Sometimes the wrong 有的时候错误
Don't know that they're wrong 不知道他们是错的
Sometimes the strong 有的时候强者
Ain't always so strong 不总是强的
Sometimes a girl 有的时候一个女孩
Is gon' be a girl 将不是一个女孩
She don't wanna deal with all the drama in your world 她不想牵扯进你的世界里的情节
God knows I don't mean to give it to you 上帝知道我不想把它给你
So girl I'm sorry for the stupid things I wish I didn't do but I do 女孩我为我做的傻事抱歉我希望我没做,可我做了
Oh so sorry, oh no, oh so sorry 哦,抱歉,我不,哦这样抱歉
Sometimes I wish I was smarter 有时候我希望自己聪明一些
Wish I was a bit more like you 希望我更像你一些
Not making stupid decisions made at the last minute 不要在最后一刻作出愚蠢的决定
You live to regret when it's through 人们为追悔逝去的事物而生
Well, sometimes the fool doesn't know he's a fool 哦,有时候傻子不知道他是傻子
And sometimes a dog he don't know he's a dog 有时候狗不知道他是条狗
Sometimes I do stupid things to you 有时候我对你做了傻事
When I really didn't mean it all 而我真的不想这样
Sometimes a man 有的时候一个男人
Just don't be a man 并不是男人
It's not an excuse 这只是一个借口
It's just how it is 就是这样
Sometimes the wrong 有的时候错误
Don't know that they're wrong 不知道它是错的
Sometimes the strong 有时候强者
Can't always be strong 不永远是强壮的
Sometimes a girl 有的时候一个女孩
Is gon' be a girl 将不再是个女孩
She don't wanna deal with all the drama in your world 她不想牵扯进你的世界里的情节

God knows I don't mean to give it to you 上帝知道我不想把它给你

So girl I'm sorry for the stupid things I wish I didn't do but I do 女孩我为我做的傻事抱歉我希望我没做,可我做了

Sometimes the fool doesn't know he's a fool 有时候傻子不知道他是傻子

Sometimes a dog he don't know he's a dog 有时候狗不知道他是条狗

Sometimes I do stupid things to you 有时候我对你做了傻事

When I really didn't mean it at all, at all 而我真的不想这样
Sometimes a man 有时一个男人

Just don't be a man 并不是男人
It's not an excuse 男人只是一个借口
It's just how it is 就是这样
Sometimes the wrong 有的时候错误

Don't know that they're wrong 不知道他们是错的
Sometimes the strong 有的时候强者
Ain't always so strong 不永远是强壮的
Sometimes a girl 有的时候一个女孩
Is gon' be a girl 将不是一个女孩
She don't wanna deal with all the drama in your world 她不想牵扯进你的世界里的情节
God knows I don't mean to give it to you 上帝知道我不想把它给你

So girl I'm sorry for the stupid things I wish I didn't do but I do女孩我为我做的傻事抱歉我希望我没做,可我做了