
来源:百度文库 编辑:中科新闻网 时间:2024/07/05 22:46:49
I don’t think the number of people __ this happens
is very large.
A. whom B. to whom C. to which D. which


happen to sb.
whom在句中做happen to 的宾语.

happen to sb.是固定用法 to 后面必须接who的宾格

B. to whom

先看这个句子---This accident happened to 100 people.

那么,100 就是 the number to the people this accident happened 能理解么?

to the people this accident happened是 the number 的定语

这个to 其实 是 happened to 的 to

I don’t think the number of people __ this happens
is very large.
A. whom B. to whom C. to which D. which
本题实际上是选择the people后面的定语从句this happens的引导词。

如果选A,则句子成为the people whom this happens,句子原型就是:this happens the people.由于happen是不及物动词,这显然是错误的。


只有选C才是正确的定语从句引导词。这时句子变为:the people to whom this happens. 句子原型就是:this happens to the people.语法上完全正确。

词组是“sth. happen to sb.”“sb.”用宾格。“people”后为定语修饰people

这里面有个定语从句 people是先行词 __ this happens 整个是people的定语 定语从句中 不及物动词应该加介词 如look +at listen + to等happen 也是不及物动词 所以应加to people是人用whom引导 所以选B