
来源:百度文库 编辑:中科新闻网 时间:2024/10/02 19:10:21
vendor shall maintain in effect at all time during the rendering of services and for a minimum period of one year thereafter all of the insurance specified below with insurers and under forms of policy satisfactory to our company:

1.commercial general liability ,including product liability,insurance with at least $2000000 combined single limit bodily injury and property damage limits written on an occurrence basis.our company shall be notified immediately if and when 50%of any aggregate limit is eroded.

2.Owned ,non-owned and hired automobil liability insurance with at least $2000000 combined single limit bodily injury and property damage limits

3.Full statutory coverage for workers'compensation in according with applicable state and employers liability with limit of at least $1000000 and disability insurance for all its employeesas required by law.These policies will contain waivers of the insure's subrogation rights against company where permitted by law.

4."all risks" property insurance policies coverage in amounts adequate to cover all company materials,company products,or other property in vendor's care,custody or control


卖方应保持在有效期间提供的所有服务,为期至少一年,以后所有的保险公司和保险以下具体形式下我们公司的政策满意: 一般1.commercial责任,包括产品责任保险至少二百万合计$单限制人身伤害和财产损失的范围写在发生basis.our公司应立即通知如果50%的任何损害赔偿限额. 2.owned、非国有及租用汽车责任保险单,合计二百万上限至少$人身伤害和财产损失的限制 3.fullworkers'compensation法定保险适用于符合国家和雇主的责任与限制至少$百万保险和伤残所有employeesas要求law.These政策将包括放弃购买的代位权而对公司在法律许可. 4" 一切风险"的保险财产保险金额足以支付全部材料公司,公司产品供应商或其他财产的使用、保管或控制