
来源:百度文库 编辑:中科新闻网 时间:2024/10/03 02:38:26

1. 环境污染(environmental pollution)是一项难以应付的问题。
2. 时间,我们必须马上动身。
3. 这是一种必须在几年之内加以消灭的传染病。
4. 听不到有什么声音。
5. 我已经在这里呆了两天了,没有什么可看的了。
6. 这是一本好书,有许多值得学习的东西。
7. 这是一则不可对任何人说的情报。
8. 这是一个难以解答的问题。
9. 听见窗外有脚步声,我便轻手轻脚走出室外,但什么也没看见。
10. 他可是一个需要认真对待的人。

1.environmental pollution is a problem that hard to handle
3.this is a kind of disease that must be exterminated in a short time
4.I can't hear anything
5.there is nothing more to see for i have been here for 2 days
6.it's a good book that has a lot of things worth learning
7.it's a secretive information
8.it is a question that hard to answer
9.hearing some sound of footsteps outside,I walked out softly,but didn't find anything
10.he is a person who need to be treated seriously

1.Environment pollution is a tough problem that is hard to handle.
2.It is time for us to leave right now.
3.It is a infectious disease which should be wiped out in one or two these years.
4.Noting can be heard.
5.I have been here for two days and noting is interesting enough to see.
6.It is a great book in which a lot of things is worthy to learn.
7.It is the information that cannot be told to anyone.
8.It is question that hard to answer.
9.I walked out of the classroom silently when I heard a step, but found noting.
10.He is a guy who should be treated seriously.