
来源:百度文库 编辑:中科新闻网 时间:2024/09/21 06:50:07
中西文化有所不同:中国人信奉儒教, 讲顺从孝顺。而西方人就有所不同了!他们讲民族自由.个人权力。


中西方文化在请客吃饭方面的差异 ,如:中餐通常先上菜,后上汤,西餐相反;中餐主人一般多次向客人敬酒、敬莱,而西餐主人通常只敬一次;西餐主人通常不会坚持要客人非吃非喝不可,而是希望客人自己动手(Help yourself),不要拘谨,想吃什么就吃什么。

Medium the Spanish turns to have dissimilarity: Chinese believe in the 儒 teach, speaking to obey the filial piety.But the western person had the dissimilarity!They speak the race freedom.Personal power.The Chinese people and foreigner have a meal the habit to also have the dissimilarity:The Chinese usually round a major table, eating one dish vegetables together, although noisy, some also dirty.Western person\'s oneself eats the own, this is the buffet, since the hygiene is again the convenience;Medium west education is also greatly not same, the Chinese educate students, mostly a kind of closing education, have to obey the school rules, west the education is a kind of space that expands the free thinking completely, they are in the middle of play the study, considering in the study.

The medium western culture is in the aspects of paying to have a meal of difference, such as:Chinese food usually first last vegetables, ascend the soup behind, a western meal is contrary;The host of the Chinese food general many times toast toward guest, respect 莱 , but a western meal host usually only respect once;The host of a western meal usually will not insist on the guest to eat not to drink not can\'t, but hope that guest\'s oneself begin( the Help yourself), don\'t want to be cautious, want to eat what eat what.