非常道 电视剧360影视:特急!解析一段排序的代码(有英文注析),感激不尽!

来源:百度文库 编辑:中科新闻网 时间:2024/07/04 04:29:03
Public Function QuickSort(vData As Variant, Low As Long, Hi As Long)
' Syntax: QuickSort TmpAray(), Low, Hi
' Parameters:
' vData - A variant pointing to an array to be sorted.
' Low - LBounds(vData) low number of elements in the array
' Hi - UBounds(vData) high number of elements in the array
' NOTE: I start my arrays with one and not zero.
' Make the appropriate changes to suit your code.
' Define local variables

Dim lTmpLow As Long
Dim lTmpHi As Long
Dim lTmpMid As Long
Dim vTempVal As Variant
Dim vTmpHold As Variant

' Initialize local variables

lTmpLow = Low
lTmpHi = Hi

' Leave if there is nothing to sort

If Hi <= Low Then Exit Function

' Find the middle to start comparing values

lTmpMid = (Low + Hi) \ 2

' Move the item in the middle of the array to the
' temporary holding area as a point of reference while
' sorting. This will change each time we make a recursive
' call to this routine.

vTempVal = vData(lTmpMid)

' Loop until we eventually meet in the middle

Do While (lTmpLow <= lTmpHi)

' Always process the low end first. Loop as long
' the array data element is less than the data in
' the temporary holding area and the temporary low
' value is less than the maximum number of array
' elements.
Do While (vData(lTmpLow) < vTempVal And lTmpLow < Hi)
lTmpLow = lTmpLow + 1

' Now, we will process the high end. Loop as long
' the data in the temporary holding area is less
' than the array data element and the temporary high
' value is greater than the minimum number of array
' elements.
Do While (vTempVal < vData(lTmpHi) And lTmpHi > Low)
lTmpHi = lTmpHi - 1

' if the temp low end is less than or equal
' to the temp high end, then swap places
If (lTmpLow <= lTmpHi) Then
vTmpHold = vData(lTmpLow) ' Move the Low value to Temp Hold
vData(lTmpLow) = vData(lTmpHi) ' Move the high value to the low
vData(lTmpHi) = vTmpHold ' move the Temp Hod to the High
lTmpLow = lTmpLow + 1 ' Increment the temp low counter
lTmpHi = lTmpHi - 1 ' Dcrement the temp high counter
End If


' If the minimum number of elements in the array is
' less than the temp high end, then make a recursive
' call to this routine. I always sort the low end
' of the array first.

If (Low < lTmpHi) Then
QuickSort vData, Low, lTmpHi
End If

' If the temp low end is less than the maximum number
' of elements in the array, then make a recursive call
' to this routine. The high end is always sorted last.

If (lTmpLow < Hi) Then
QuickSort vData, lTmpLow, Hi
End If

End Function
