鬼三惊 下载:请高手帮忙,“彩云闻莺”怎么意译呢?

来源:百度文库 编辑:中科新闻网 时间:2024/07/04 03:49:04

1) 杭州西湖的“柳浪闻莺”译得非常好:Listining Orioles Singing in the Willows.也有译成:bird in the willows.

2)“彩云”有多种译法:“coloured cloud”;“rainbow cloud”;
但首推下面的意译最优美:“crowned with cloud”--王冠之云自然色彩缤纷

bird in the rainbow cloud
Orioles Singing in the crowned cloud.

因为楼上有提出crowned cloud的译法,这是曾由央视十台科教频道《大家风范》播出的著名翻译家许渊冲的译法的:

许老认为搞翻译不能“一个萝卜一个坑”地照字翻译,应该把翻译提高到创作的地位上。诗要求美。有些译文说美而不美,如“朝辞白帝彩云间”的“彩云”,有的人直接翻译成“coloured cloud”;有些译文说美而美,如把“彩云”翻译成“rainbow cloud”;有些译文不说美而美,如把“彩云”译为“crowned with cloud”(戴上王冠的云彩,王冠金碧辉煌,帝王之冠又寓“白帝”)。许老认为后者是翻译的最高境界。


florid clouds with nimble/agile orioles

Goodness! the good Samaritan, i believe u are aware that cloud of crowned is gramatically incorrect and does not make any sense at all. Pls be careful abt whatever u are offering as an answer coz it does have an impact, ok?