
来源:百度文库 编辑:中科新闻网 时间:2024/07/02 01:52:32
The baby started wailing. His mother said nothing. She stared at where the pickup had been, paralyzed. I handed the boy to her. She held him close and smothered his wet hair with kisses until he settled down. Then I led them slowly down the embankment toward our house. When we reached the bottom I glanced back. The pickup was twisted like a piece of taffy. “Don't look,” I said to the woman. Wilma met us at the door, her face pale like the moonlight. She took them to the living room and brought the woman a towel to dry her boy and herself.

孩子啼哭起来,他母亲没说什么. 她注视着那小卡车,一脸的惊诧。我把小孩递给她。她紧紧抱着孩子,吮吻着孩子湿漉漉的头发,直到孩子安静下来。接着我领着他们下了筑堤,来到我的屋子里。到了堤底,我回头扫了一眼。小卡车百扭曲了跟块太妃糖差不多. “别看了吧”我对她说道。威尔玛在门口迎接我们,她的脸色苍白的和月光一样。她把她们带到卧室里,给那女的拿了块毛巾,让她给孩子和自己擦一擦。

婴儿开始唢呐高亢. 他的母亲说什么. 看着她,已经回升,瘫痪. 我把她的儿子. 她对他的密切和升级,直到他的湿头发,他亲定居. 我带领他们走向缓慢下来堤家. 当我们到了谷底,我看了回来. 被扭曲的回升一块taffy. "不看,"我对她说. 我们在华盛顿会晤的大门,她的脸苍白如月色. 她带他们到客厅,她的女儿干毛巾自己.