巴啦啦小魔仙台词:各位帅哥 靓妹 英文好的 江湖救急了 急急!谢谢!!

来源:百度文库 编辑:中科新闻网 时间:2024/07/05 20:23:42
As the most dominant form of communication in consumer marketing, advertising is often the first point of contact between service marketers and their customers, serving to build awareness,inform , persuade , and remind.Advertising plays a vital role in providing factual information about services and educating customers about product features and capabilities . To demonstrate this role , Stephen Grove , Gregory Pickett , and David Laband carried out a study comparing newspaper and television advertising for goods and services.Based on a review of 11,543 television advertisements over a 10-month Period and of 30,940 newspaper display advertisements that appeared over a 12-month period , the researchers found that ads for services were significantly more likely than those for goods to contain factual information on price,guarantees/warranties,documentation of performance,and availability (where,when,and how to acquire products ) .
one of the challenges facing advertisers is how to get their messages noticed Television and radio broadcasts are cluttered with commercials , whereas newspapers and magazines sometimes seem to contain more ads than news and features.How can a firm hope to stand out from the crowd ? Longer , louder commercials and large-format ads are not necessarily the answer.Some advertisers stand out by using striking designs or a distinctively different format . To catch readers’attention , the Humane Society used a black-and-white sketch of a winsome puppy in a magazine in which everyone else was advertising in color ( Figure 5-6 ).
A broad array of paid advertising media is available , including broadcast ( TV and radio ) , print ( magazines and newspapers ) , movie theaters , and many types of outdoor media ( posters , billboards , electronic message boards , and the exteriors of buses or bicycles ). Some media are more focused than others , targeting specific geographic areas or audiences with a particular interest.Advertising messages delivered through mass media are often reinforced by direct-marketing tools , such as mailings , telemarketing,faxes , or e-mail.
Direct Marketing
This category embraces mailings,recorded telephone messages,faxes,and e-mail . These channels offer the potential to send personalized messages to highly targeted microsegments.Direct strategies are most likely to be successful when marketers possess a detailed database of information about customers and prospects.

如消费者行销的最占优势形式的沟通,广告时常是在服务市场商人和他们的客户之间的第一个接点, 服务建立觉察, 告知 , 劝 , 而且提醒。广告在提供关于服务的事实资讯而且教育客户关于产品特征和能力方面扮演一个重要的角色。 为了示范这一个角色,史蒂芬小树林, Gregory Pickett ,而且大卫 Laband 实行一项为货物和服务比较报纸和电视广告的研究。在一个 10个月期间以来基于 11,543个电视广告的检讨而且 30,940份报纸显示在一个 12个月期间出现的广告 ,研究员发现给服务的广告为货物是重要地比那些更或许包含关于价格,保证/担保的事实资讯,表现的文件和有效。 (哪里,当, 和该如何获得产品 )
面对广告者的挑战之一是该如何收到注意电视和收音机广播一起弄乱的他们信息商业 ,然而报纸和杂志有时似乎包含的广告比新闻多而且扮演重要角色。如何能一个坚定的希望从群众突出 ? 比较长的 ,比较大声的商业和大- 格式广告不必然地答案。一些广告者藉由使用醒目的设计或一个有特色不同的格式突出。 为了捕捉 readers'attention ,有人情的社会用了一本其他人是广告的在颜色 ( 图 5-6) 中的杂志引人注目的小狗一个黑白素描。
支付广告的媒体宽广排列是可得的 , 包括广播 ( 电视和收音机 ) ,版 ( 杂志和报纸 ) ,电影院 , 和许多户外媒体的类型.( 海报,布告板 , 电子的信息董事会 , 和公共汽车或脚踏车的外部 ) 一些媒体比其它焦点所在 ,用特别的兴趣对准特定的地理区域或听众。广告的时常透过大众传媒被递送的信息被直接- 行销工具 , 像是邮寄,电话推销,传真或电子邮件加强。
这一个种类拥抱邮寄, 记录了电话信息,传真和电子邮件。 这些频道提供潜能传达个人化的信息给高度地对准的 microsegments 。当市场商人持有关于客户和视野的资讯详细数据库的时候,直接的策略是最有可能是成功的。

看促销的有用方法是如沟通对激励的附件。对一个次时期,价格或客户促销通常是特定的团体- 有时所有的三。典型地,目的是加速购买决定或给与动机客户使用一个特定的服务抢先占有土地之人,在和每购买的较棒体积中, 或更时常。为服务公司的促销可能轮流有奖的如样品的表格,折扣券和其他的优惠,礼物和竞争。以这些形式用, 促销增加价值 , 在期数期间提供 "竞争的边缘 ,"" 推进售卖当要求会以别的方式是弱的 , 加速介绍和对新的服务接受度 , 而且通常争取客户行动比他们更快的时候会缺乏任何的增进激励。
数年以前,被设计一个有趣的促销国际的旅馆 SAS 对准较年长的客户。如果一间旅馆有了空的房间, 客人超过 65 岁可以把一个优惠同等物给他们的数年。 ( 举例来说, 75 岁可以节省 75% 的正常房间价格 )全部去得好直到一个瑞典的客人办登记手续到在维也纳的 SAS 链的旅馆之一, 宣布了他的年龄当做 102, 而且问被为停留夜晚支付 2% 的房间率作为回报。 这一个请求被允许, 哪里在精神好的百岁或逾百岁以上的人之上挑战了总经理到一场网球的游戏- 而且也得到了那 (游戏的结果,然而,不被揭露 ! )像这些的事件是 PR 人的梦东西。在这情况,聪明的晋级导致富幽默感,广泛地报告把旅馆链放在一个有利的光故事。