岔河镇:阅读理解 初一

来源:百度文库 编辑:中科新闻网 时间:2024/07/06 20:09:06
Mr. Knott 〔not〕 was a teacher. He taught in a big school in London. He lived a long way from the school, so he was usually quite tired when he got home. At nine o’clock one evening when he was in bed, the telephone bell rang in the hall, so he went downstairs, picked up the telephone and said, “Hello! Who’s speaking, please? ”
“Watt 〔what〕. ” a man answered.
“What’s your name, please? ” said Mr. Knott.
“Watt’s my name, ” was the answer.
“Yes, I asked you that what’s your name? ” Mr. Knott said again.
“ I told you. Watt’s my name. ” said the other man. “Are you Jack Smith? ”
“No, I’m Knott, ” answered Mr. Knott.
Both Mr. Watt and Mr. Knott put their telephones down angrily and thought, “What a rude, foolish man! ”
32.Mr. Knott was usually tired in the evening because ______.
A. he was a teacher B. he worked very hard in a school
C. he lived a long way from school D. he taught too many students
33.Mr. Watt wanted to speak to ______.
A. his wife B. Mr. Knott C. Jack Smith D. Mrs. Knott
34.“Watt’s my name” means ______
A. What’s my name? B. My name is What.
C. Are you asking my name? D. My name is Watt.
35.Mr. Knott didn’t understand what Mr. Watt said because ______.
A. he was a foolish teacher
B. he had bad ears
C. Mr. Watt didn’t speak loudly enough
D. the“a”in“watt”is pronounced (发音)as the“a”in“what”




32 C

33 C

34 D

35 D