
来源:百度文库 编辑:中科新闻网 时间:2024/07/06 16:47:21

Singapore traveling synopsis
Singapore traveling synopsis: Singapore had fused the multi- races and the cultural region, has modernized the office organization and the shopping center. Has surpasses 70 world-class hotels, 18 holes golf course and very many traveling goes sightseeing the scenic spot. The entertainment and the cultural activity very is also rich, from classical symphony and Chinese Peking opera, to knight cheerful ballet; From rolls Shi Le all to have everything expected to find the performance to newest Hollywood's movie here.
Regardless of you are a sports amateur like the leisure entertainment, Singapore all has very suits your movement place or the project chooses for you. May rent in the east coast park to the windsurfboard, moreover also may carry on the mountain bike movement on eight kilometer long bicycle special-purpose road. May swim on the sandy beach; Nearby the beach has the seafood hall which very many may attempt; Also may fly a kite on the beach. Rides the ferryboat swims to the St. John island and on the turtle islet island, relaxes is you after a day busy work best rest way. Rides a horse in the Singapore horse racing trade union's Asian most beautiful training ground or watches a polo competition in the Singapore polo club all is the tourist is interested in Singapore the activity. The hotel and the neighbor public movement facility all are equipped with the golf course and the tennis court. Generally speaking, Singapore is fills the attractive charm the state.

新加坡国名: 新加坡共和国(The Republic of Singapore)

Singapore country's name reason: Singapore is a city state, the original intention is the lion city. According to the Malaya historical records record, about 1150, Sumatra's room advantage Buddha passed the kingdom prince (+ woodenly) that to go by boat arrives this island, saw a black beast, the native to inform for the lion, then had "the lion city" the name. Singapore is Pali "the lion city" the harmonics, because the local resident is been deep the Indian culture influence, likes taking the geographic name with Pali. But the lion has, the vigorous characteristic fiercely, therefore by this took the geographic name is the very natural matter. In the past overseas Chinese multi- names it "the Singapore", namely Malay "channel" meaning, also will have because of its is small but is called Singapore, Xingdao.


Singapore national flag: Is composed by on red under white two equal horizontal rectangles, is long and the wide ratio is 3: 2. The top left-hand corner has a curved white crecent moon and five white five pointed stars. Red representative humanity's equality, the white symbol is chaste and the moral excellence; The crecent moon symbol country, five stars represent the national establishment democracy, peace, the progress, the justice and the equal thought. The crecent moon and five stars combination is close but has the foreword, is symbolizing the Singapore people's unity and the cooperation spirit.
















新加坡人口: 331.91万(截至2001年6月),其中华人占76.7%;马来人占13.9%;印度人占7.9%,其他种族1.5%。马来语、英语、华语和泰米尔语为官方语言。国语为马来语。英语为行政用语。主要宗教为佛教、道教、伊斯兰教、基督教和印度教。


交通 新加坡樟宜国际机场和新加坡港是世界上最繁忙的机场和海港之一。旅游新加坡最方便的方法之一是使用联 结票(Transit Link Farecad),可以搭乘新加坡公车(SBS)、环岛公车(TIBS)以及大众捷运系统(MRT)。MRT是新加坡最快捷的交通工具,在市内有许多停靠 站,并通过往数个旅游景点。公共汽车安全而廉价,出租车随叫随有,各式各样交通工具任游人选择。

住宿 新加坡有上百家不同挡次的酒店、旅馆可供旅游者选择。其大部分旅馆设备先进,装饰豪华,服务一流。

货币与购物 新加坡货币为新加坡币。除银行外,还设有多处货币兑换处,兑换旅行支票者须交验护照,不收手续费。

新加坡是购物天堂,最主要的购物场所有樟宜机场、亚拉街购物区、荷兰村、滨海广场、购物中心、乌节路持家董、先得坊、小印度、牛车水、阿拉伯 街。商品种类齐全,应有尽有。在新加坡购物都可以议价,议价之前最好了解一下所购商品的行情。购物时注意商店橱窗上有无贴有红色鱼尾狮标志,有此标志的商 店商品质量与售后服务都较好,可放心购买。购物时别忘了索要发票,因为你要退换商品,须出示发票,旅客在商品质量或服务方成受到不公正待遇时,可向新加坡 消费者协会投诉。

餐饮 新加坡是国际大都会,是全世界的美食天堂之一.其餐饮场所遍及全岛,汇集了当地风味美食和来自世界各地的佳肴,种类繁多,各具特色。新加坡热带水果丰富,价钱便宜质量好,榴莲、芒果、红毛丹、香蕉、椰子等都是有名的热带水果。

邮电通讯 在新加坡有24小时和世界各地联系的通讯服务,邮寄可以在邮局投寄。大多数酒店旅馆柜台也提供邮寄服务,要拍电报也很方便。精致美丽的新加坡邮票是各国旅游者争相收集的对象。


警察局 999(免费)

急 救 995(免费)

旅游咨询中心 3300431/2(免费)

航空查询中心 5424422、5426998、5421234

移民局 5322877

中国驻新加坡大使馆 7343273

中国国家旅游局 2218681、2219268

天气预报 5427788



吸烟 在公共交通工具、公共购物和娱乐场所,政府办公机构等地方均禁止吸烟,违者罚款。

行人过路规则 行人横过马路不走人行横道,要被罚款。

乱丢垃圾 乱扔垃圾者罚款。现在,新加坡禁止销售和吃口香糖。

吐痰 在公共场所随地吐痰为违法,违法者课以罚款。

公厕 使用公厕后要抽水冲洗,否则,给予罚款的处罚。

赌博和毒品禁令 根据新加坡政府的规定,除慈善机构模彩,TOTO、新加坡SWEEP彩劵和通过武吉湾俱乐部经手的赛马赌注外,其它任何形式的赌博活动都是被禁止的。在新加坡购买、制造、拥有、进出口超过一定数量毒品,一旦罪名成立,将会面临死刑判决。

小费 新加坡不鼓励给小费。

时差 新加坡比北京晚半小时。

Singapore consists of the main island of Singapore and some 63 offshore islands. It is situated between latitudes 1°09'N and 1°29'N and longitudes 103°36'E and 104°25'E approximately 137 kilometres north of the Equator.

The main island is about 42 kilometres from east to west and 23 kilometres from north to south. Singapore's total land area, including that of the smaller islands, is 697.1 square kilometres.

Singapore's immediate neighbours are Malaysia (Peninsular Malaysia to the North, Sarawak and Sabah to the East), Brunei Darussalam and Indonesia.

Being very close to the Equator, Singapore's climate is characterised by abundant rainfall, relatively uniform temperature and high humidity throughout the year. December is the coolest month of the year while May is the warmest. The mean daily temperature is 26.8°C.

The resident population of Singapore, comprising Singapore citizens and permanent residents, was estimated at 3,437,300 in June 2003. Singapore is a multiracial society. Malays form 13.8% of Singapore's population, while Chinese and Indians make up 76.2% and 8.3% respectively. Other races make up 1.7% of the population.

The official languages in Singapore are Malay, Chinese (Mandarin), Tamil and English. Malay is the national language and English is the language of administration. The Constitution allows every person the right to profess and practise his religion and to propagate it. The main religions in Singapore are Buddhism, Taoism, Islam, Christianity and Hinduism.

Singapore is a republic with a parliamentary system of government. A written constitution provides for the organs of state, namely the executive, the legislature and the judiciary. President S R Nathan is the current Head of State. The current Prime Minister, Lee Hsien Loong, leads the Cabinet in the administration of the Government. The Prime Minister and other Cabinet members are appointed from among the Members of Parliament, of which there are currently 94.

The flag of Singapore consists of two equal horizontal sections, red above white. In the upper left canton is a white crescent moon beside five white stars within a circle. Red symbolises universal brotherhood and equality of man, while white signifies pervading and everlasting purity and virtue. The crescent moon represents a young nation on the ascendant, illuminated by the ideals of democracy, peace, progress, justice and equality as signified by the five stars.

Information obtained from the Singapore 2004 book published by the Ministry of Information, Communications and the Arts.

To read about Singapore's history, please click here. To read more about Singapore, please visit the the Singapore Infomap at http://www.sg


