
来源:百度文库 编辑:中科新闻网 时间:2024/07/06 14:47:38


韩国传统风俗习惯方面, 像其他许多国家一样, 拜年元月一日是新年开始。韩国自古以来使用阴历, 然而自十九世纪末叶以来, 由於深受外来文化的影响, 迄今已演变成任由百姓选定过阳历的新年或旧历的新年。阳历一月一日起连续三天休假, 阴历一月一日, 也被定为休假日, 连休两天。每逢新年, 家家户户都准备隹肴, 换上新衣, 全家团聚在一起, 行新年祭祖之礼, 这是拜年。阴历正月十四日, 韩国每家都做很多混合各种杂粮的「五谷饭」及菜肴, 以招待访客及邻里乡人, 以增进村里人之间彼此友谊, 加强团结, 以祈求另一个丰收年。阴历四月初八是佛教释迦如来佛的诞生日, 因此, 这一天称为佛诞日或佛浴日, 许多佛教信徒们在全国各地寺庙中, 厌祝、祈求,同时信徒们悬挂许多灯笼。阴历五月五日是端午节, 这天除了摔角的活动外, 尚有专为女子而办的荡秋千活动。而阳历五月五日是儿童节, 为了鼓励儿童们成长强健, 这一天通常举办运动会或游艺节目。
阴历六月十五日称为流头日, 人们在从东方流来的清澈的河水中洗头发, 以除去暑热, 洗去一年的恶运。在这一段暑期中人民可以暂时休假, 在流头日的宴会上, 吟诗作乐, 在酷热的三伏中必须吃人浍、糯米和鸡做成的浍鸡汤, 抑止酷暑热天, 此种风俗已流传迄今, 风行全国许多地方。阴历七月七日称为七夕, 有些家庭, 在这一天也向着北斗七星祭拜, 为不孕的妇女求子。阴历八月十五是秋夕(即中秋节)。
自古以来韩 国人就非常重视秋夕, 在丰盛的秋收后, 准备很多隹肴祭祀其祖先。冬至是表示冬季 以到, 其特色是在一年中昼短夜长最明显的一日, 而和冬至刚好相反的是夏至, 夏至 在这一年中白昼最长, 夜最短。在冬至这一天, 韩国人家家户户都吃红豆汤圆粥, 按 照韩国传统习俗, 相传鬼魅恨红色, 因而用红豆汤圆粥来祭祀,驱除和防止漫长夜里 鬼魅的侵扰。
阴历十二月的最后一天是除夕, 这一天, 家中年青人须向长者行跪拜大礼, 以表示对长辈们的祝福, 这种风俗礼节称「旧岁拜」。这一天, 为了守岁驱除鬼魅的接近, 厨房的灶内彻夜都要保持薪火不断。此外, 全家都要大扫除, 以迎接明日的新年纳福。





Korea on the Korean Peninsula geographically occupy very important position. Northwest and China next, each with Japan across. 1960s economic growth policies created Korea, "Han miracle" that the alarming economic development. China and South Korea established diplomatic relations in 1992, after growing economic and trade relations and commercial activities, following the United States after China became Korea's second largest investment destination. Now, only one in Shanghai, there are two long live the Korean 30,000 people, and between Korea and Shanghai Commercial activities in the Korean was up 50,000. Korean language has rapidly grown into a popular Hushang people keen to learn foreign languages, and is expected to replace the Japanese in the 21st century become the most competitive two foreign languages.
韩国介绍 韩半岛在地理位置上占有非常重要的地位。西北与中国比邻,隔海与日本相望。1960年代的经济增长政策造就了韩国“汉江奇迹”之称的惊人的经济发展。1992年中韩建交,之后经贸关系和商业活动不断增长,中国继美国之后成为韩国的第二大投资对象国。现在,仅在上海一地,长住的韩国人就有两三万多人,而往返于沪韩之间从事商业活动的韩国人则多达五六万人。韩国语也迅速成长为沪上人士争相学习的热门外语,并有望在21世纪取代日语成为最有竞争力的第二外语。

The Traditional Dano Festival, indigenous to Gangneung, Gangwon Province, was designated by UNESCO as world's new intangible cultural asset in 2005.

The Gangneung Dano Festival, which was designated as the country's Important Intangible Property No. 13 in 1967, takes place in Gangneung city for about one month, featuring rituals for mountain spirits, the brewing of a "sacred wine," "Danogut," a shamanic ritual and traditional performances such as mask dance.

Dano falls on the fifth day of the fifth lunar month, which is one of the three major traditional holidays in South Korea. The oldest Korean holiday marks the beginning of the summer and is a day to pray for bumper crop and safety of the village of the year. Dano, also called Suritnal, means 'high day' or 'day of god.' Dano has been observed more than 1,000 years.

Village people, who believed that if they didn't hold the festival, they would suffer a great disaster, held the ceremony for Daegwallyeong god along with Gangneung goddess.

The festival begins after holding ceremonies for Daegwallyeong god and enshrining holy tree in Gusan Altar and Guksa Altar and bringing it to an altar installed in white sand at Namdaecheon Stream. For five days, village people pray for good fortune, abundant harvest and big catch as well.

According to historical document, Daegwallyeong mountain god is the Silla General Kim Yu-sin and tutelary deity, main god of the festival, is the national preceptor Beomil of the Unified Silla, and the goddess is a maiden whose last name is Jeong.

Among the activities for women, bathing and washing their hair with iris are designed to drive away evils since Iris is deemed to make people escape from the misfortune.

The gwanno or public servants mask dance is non-verbal performance with putting on Yangban (nobleman), Somaekgaksi and Jangjameori masks.

Other activities including trapeze riding, swing, ssireum, and contests for fine farmers' music are held during the festival.

One day after Dano festival, people burn holy tree and bring god to Daegwallyeong to end the festival.

Gangneung Dano festival shows a spirit of cooperation as a folk festival.

