
来源:百度文库 编辑:中科新闻网 时间:2024/10/02 07:09:11
Bidding first
The first bid sets the running and takes the initiative. The first offer is seldom the final one. If you bid low, bid first. If you offer a shut-out, then bid first. In many cases you will want to have an idea of what the other party wants and will be happy for them to take the initiative. I prefer to get my bid in first to gain and keep the initiative.
The first bid sets the tone for the negotiation. If you are able to establish that the starting point is lower than the likely outcome then you must be dragged uphill towards it and the result should be a lower price than if you started from the other direction.
Bidding last
The risk of bidding last is that other party makes an unacceptable suggestion and then fells unable to move from it. They now have to be dragged towards an acceptable deal. It may be an advantage to bid in complex negotiations to give time to find out more.

首次招标 首套投标管理和主动. 首次提出的最后一个很少. 如果你以低得第一. 如果你提供关进行,首先得. 在许多情况下,你要了解对方想要什么,会主动为他们高兴. 我宁愿把我的第一次招标,将争取主动. 首套以谈判的基调. 如果你能确定的起点是低于结果就可能要拖,上山为它的结果应该是价格低廉,如果你不是从相反方向. 去年招标 上次申办的风险是不能接受对方的建议,然后作出Fells无法摆脱它. 他们现在要争取把一个可接受的协议. 它可在复杂的谈判优势,努力使更多的时间去了解

首次招标 首套投标管理和主动. 首次提出的最后一个很少. 如果你以低得第一. 如果你提供关进行,首先得. 在许多情况下,你要了解对方想要什么,会主动为他们高兴. 我宁愿把我的第一次招标,将争取主动. 首套以谈判的基调. 如果你能确定的起点是低于结果就可能要拖,上山为它的结果应该是价格低廉,如果你不是从相反方向. 去年招标 上次申办的风险是不能接受对方的建议,然后作出Fells无法摆脱它. 他们现在要争取把一个可接受的协议. 它可在复杂的谈判优势,努力使更多的时间去了解