
来源:百度文库 编辑:中科新闻网 时间:2024/09/30 19:57:04
“宿州眼球事件”、“输血感染艾滋病事件”“上海孕妇不孕案”……一件件都好像耳光一样狠狠地煽在了现行医疗体制的脸上。 资金不够可以加大投入,资源不足可以继续建设,信任没了呢?我国的医疗体制目前最大问题不是资金不是技术而是信用的缺失! 不解决医疗机构的逐利问题,就无法真正解决老百姓看病难看病贵的问题。

The Eyeball Incident in Suzhou, AIDS Infection in Blood Transfusion, The Infertility of the Shanghan Pregnant... All these incidents slams hard on the face of the current medical system. The funds can be further invested if it is lacking, and the resoureces can be constructed if it is insufficient;however, what if the trust is gone? The major problem in the medical system at present does not lie in funds, nor in technique; instead, it lies in the absence of credit. If the profit-seeking trend among the medical establishments still exists, the problem that it is expensive for people to seek medical service will not be truly solved.