
来源:百度文库 编辑:中科新闻网 时间:2024/10/02 08:44:48
1、美国 班长,学习成绩好,家里有钱,人高马大。班里没几个人敢惹他。 和副班长关系不好。
2、俄罗斯 副班长,学习成绩好,全班最高大,上学期光和班长顶着干。后来家里出事:分家!现在做事很消极,但在班级里有一定的影响力。
3、中国 团支书。幼儿园学习成绩很好。小学时由于体质差常被欺负。
4、英国 学习委员,学习成绩好。家里也很富。班长的跟屁虫,做事没主见,啥都听班长的。前些天和班长把伊拉克打了一顿。
5、瑞士 美术课代表,班花。学习成绩好,清高。
6、奥地利 音乐课代表。
7、阿富汗 职务无。成绩差。身材矮小。上学期被副班长打,班长帮忙付医药费。前几天把班长家的最高的两个家具砸了,被班长揍个半死,现在失忆中。
8、伊拉克 无职务。学习差。但人高马大,上学期排全班第四。嘴硬,上学期欺负同桌被群殴。前些天被班长和学习委员冲进他家揍个稀巴烂。
9、印度 因为好玩电脑,成了电脑课代表。经常和同桌巴基斯坦为一块课桌吵架。
10、巴基斯坦 无职务。学习成绩一般。和团支书关系不错,经常和印度吵架。
11、德国 班级活跃分子,人高马大、学习成绩也不错。有野心,由于上学打了2架所以现在暂无职务。但认错态度较好。
12、日本 无职位,学习成绩很好。思想品德很{巨}差。上学期刚被班长和团支书等人揍。现在还惦记着班长家的鱼缸。
13、越南 无职位。学习成绩差,瘦弱。上学期被班长揍,幸好有副班长和团支书撑腰。后又挑衅团支书,被狂揍。
14、朝鲜 无职位。学习成绩差。和团支书关系好。近期和班长闹矛盾,班长扬言揍他,碍于同桌团支书才没动手


The world is a class.
1, USA: the class leader, academic record is excellent, he is very tall and his family is super rich. In the class almost nobody dare to tease him. Not in a good relationship with assistant leader.
2, Russia: assistant leaders, the academic record is excellent, the tallest in the class, last semester had some fight with class leader. Later he had family affair: his family is separated! Now works very negatively, but still has the certain power in the class.
3, China: secretary. The academic record in kindergarten was very good. But when in elementary school, he is often got beat up because of poor body build.
4, UK study commissary, the academic record is good. His family is also very rich. Class leader's loyal follower, have no opinion at all, does whatever class leader says. Just a few days ago, the class leader and he beat Iraq.
5, Switzerland: fine arts course leader, she's pretties in the class. The academic record is good.
6, Austria: music course leader.
7, Afghan: no duty. He is short and has poor grades. Last semester he was beat by the assistant leader, class leader paid the medical bill for him. Recently, he destroyed the two most beautiful furniture that belong to class leader’s family, as a result, later he is beat by class leader. Right now he is in hospital.
8, Iraq : no duty. Poor grades, but he is tall, last semester he beat his deskmate, which result in being beat by several other classmates. Recently he is beat by class leader and study commissary.
9, India: Because of loving playing with computer, so India becomes the computer science course leader. He fights and quarrels with his deskmate Pakistan very often.
10, Pakistan: no duty, the academic record is average. In a good relationship with secretary, quarrels frequently with India.
11, Germany: he is tall, has good grades, very active in the class activity. He has a huge ambition. Last semester he had started two huge fights with classmates, and that was totally wrong. As a result, he doesn’t hold any duty right now. However, his attitude toward his mistake in the past is good.
12, Japan: no duty, the academic record is very good, but the personality is very ugly. Last semester, he was beat by class leader with two huge punch, and assistant leader, secretary, etc. Right now he is still thinking about the fish bowl in class leader’s house.
13, Vietnam: no duty, poor grades, skinny body. Last semester he was punched by class leader, however he had the assistant leader and secretary’s supports. Later he provokes the secretary, which leads to another being crazily punched.
14, North Korea: no duty, the academic record is bad. Have a good relationship with secretary. Recently the class leader wanna beat him, but the fight will not happen so soon because of secretary.

1st, American class leader, academic record good, in the family is rich, tall and sturdy. In the class several people have not dared to annoy him. Relates with the assistant squad leader is not good.
2nd, the Russian assistant squad leaders, the academic record good, the entire class is biggest, on the semester light and class leader go against is doing. In latter comes home has an accident: Divides family property! Now works very negatively, but has the certain influence in the class and grade.
3rd, Chinese group cell secretaries. The kindergarten academic record is very good. When elementary school because the physique is bad is often bullied.
4th, English study committee member, the academic record is good. In the family very is also rich. Class leader's 跟屁虫, works does not have the opinion, what all listens to class leader. The first days and class leader have attacked Iraq.
5th, Swiss fine arts lessons representative, Ban Hua. The academic record is good, aloof from worldly affairs.
6th, Austrian music lesson representative.
7th, the Afghan duty does not have. The result is bad. Short. On the semester is hit by the assistant squad leader, class leader helps to pay the medical expenses. Most recent several days family's highest two furniture have pounded class leader, are punched half dead by class leader, now lose recall.
8th, Iraq does not have the duty. Study difference. But tall and sturdy, on semester row of entire class fourth. Obstinate argumentative, on the semester bullies shares a table is ganged up on. The first days crash in by class leader and study committee member his family to punch a pulp.
9th, India because the amusing computer, has become 电脑课 representative. Frequently and shares a table Pakistan to quarrel together for the school desk.
10th, Pakistan does not have the duty. The academic record is ordinary. Relates good with group cell secretary, quarrels frequently with India.
11th, the German class and grade active member, tall and sturdy, the academic record is also good. Has the ambition, because went to school has fought 2 therefore the present does not have the duty temporarily. But admits mistakes the manner to be good.
12th, Japan does not have the position, the academic record is very good. The thought personal character {is very great} the difference. On the semester just by human and so on class leader and group cell secretary punched. Now also is keeping thinking about class leader family's fish bowl.
13th, more salutes the position. The academic record is bad,Emaciated. On the semester is punched by class leader, has the assistant squad leader and group cell secretary luckily supports. Latter provokes group cell secretary, is crazily punched.
14th, North Korea does not have the position. The academic record is bad. Relates with group cell secretary. In the near future and class leader will have clashes of opinion, class leader threatened will punch him, will obstruct in sharing a table group cell secretary only then not to begin