
来源:百度文库 编辑:中科新闻网 时间:2024/09/30 19:21:50
to turn over more pages.I came to a disease which was worse than thelast one.I bagan to read about it and,as I expected,I had that
disease too.Then I began to get really interested in myself,so I went back to the beginning of the book.I started withh the letter
'a' to 'z'.I found that there was only one disease which I did not have.This made me a little unhappy.Why didn't I have that disease too?
When I walked into that reading-room, I was a happy,healthy youny man.When I was a very sick man,close to death...
But I was talking about my heart-nobody understood how ill I really was.I had this bad heart when I was a boy. It was with me
all the time. I knew that it was my heart because I had all the symptoms of a bad heart. The main symptom was that I did not went
to work.Of course,nobody understood that the problem was my heart.
'Why,you lazy boy,you ,'theyused to say .'Get up and do some work for once in your life!'They did not underatand that I was ill.
And they did not give me medicine for this illness-they hit me
on the side of the head.It is very strange,but those blows on my
head often made the illness go away for a time.Sometimes just one
blow made the sickness



读了很多页后,我也受到最坏的疾病的影响.我开始读关于它的事并且期望 我也有了那种疾病.然后我开始对我自己感兴趣,因此,我回到书的开始。我开始从字母'a'到 'z' 的阅读 .我发现只有一种疾病我没有。这使我有点不快乐。为何我没有那一种疾病?
但是我正在谈论我的心- 没有人了解我的疾病。当我是男孩的时候,我就有了这颗差劲的心。 它一直和我在一起.
我知道,因为我有了一颗差劲的心引起所有的症状。 主要的症状是我没有去工作。当然,没有人了解问题是我的心。
'为什么 , 懒惰的男孩,你 ,' 他们过去一直说。'起床做一些工作仅此一次在你的生活中!' 他们没有 认识到 是我生病了。
。非常奇怪, 那些打击使疾病离开。有时只是一种