aging care fancl:为什么明白了英语单词却仍读不懂句子的意思?

来源:百度文库 编辑:中科新闻网 时间:2024/07/06 19:43:57
在很多学术性的英语文章中经常明白了每一个单词的意思却读不懂整个句子的意思,感觉里面很乱。这里面是不是也许要断句之类的技巧阿?例如:“The US and Japan into a comprehensive overview of the State of the art in measurement as well as the persistent weaknesses of the indicators themselves and the manner in which they are used. ”到底是什么意思啊?应该怎么样分开解释?在下求学若渴!请大师不吝赐教!感激不尽!!

Of course it's difficult to understand this sentence, it is not correct. The sentence is about as ambiguous as possible.

English is my first language and I can't understand it.

So you have no chance...


If you had the whole article maybe I could guess the intended meaning...

If you want to read English news articles better to read something from England/USA/Canada/Australia.

If you want some good articles to read or discuss you can always send me a message.



看这种长句子的时候一定要分清主语和谓语,其他的就是修饰成分了.当你看清主要谓语后,句子就好理解了.这个句子的主语是The US and Japan ,into当动词看,as well as

The US and Japan, into a comprehensive overview of the State of the art in measurement, as well as the persistent weaknesses of the indicatorsthemselves ,and the manner in which they are used.


语法不好 语法不好时经常不知道句子的结构 在现在学英语过程中中大多数学生只知道 背单词而 忽略了语法 其实这两个同样重要