财富证券 如何:请教翻译高手 超难

来源:百度文库 编辑:中科新闻网 时间:2024/10/02 09:43:57
The hope of the United States in the present and in the future is the same as it has always has been:It is the hope and confidence that will come out of unknown homes men who will constitute themselves the masters of industry and of politics. The average hopefulness, the average welfare the average enterprise ,the average initiative of the United States are the only things that make it rich. We are not rich because a few gentlemen direct our industry;we are rich because of our own intelligence and own industry.American does not consist of men who get their names into the newspapers;American does not consist political of the men who set themselves up to be political leaders; she does not consist of the men who do most of her talking--they are important only so far as they speak for that great voiceless multitude of men who constitude the great body and the saving force of the nation. Only he is fit to speak for America who knows the thoughts of the great body of citizens,the men who go about their business every day,the men who toil from morning till nights,the men who go home tired in the everings ,the men who are carrying on the things we are so proud of.

The hope of the United States in the present and in the future is the same as it has always has been:

It is the hope and confidence that will come out of unknown homes men who will constitute themselves the masters of industry and of politics.

The average hopefulness, the average welfare the average enterprise ,the average initiative of the United States are the only things that make it
美国一般的希望, 一般的福利,一般的企业, 一般的行动只是使美国富裕的原因之一。

We are not rich because a few gentlemen direct our industry;we are rich because of our own intelligence and own industry.
我们不是因为几个人引导我们的工业而富裕, 我们因为我们自己的智慧及工业而致富。

American does not consist of men who get their names into the newspapers;American does not consist political of the men who set themselves up to be political leaders; she does not consist of the men who do most of her talking
美国不是由那些名字出现在报章上的人组成的; 不是那些一心要当政治领袖的人的政治; 美国不是由那些夸夸其谈的人组成的

--they are important only so far as they speak for that great voiceless multitude of men who constitude the great body and the saving force of the nation.

Only he is fit to speak for America who knows the thoughts of the great body of citizens,the men who go about their business every day,the men who toil from morning till nights,the men who go home tired in the everings ,the men who are carrying on the things we are so proud of.
只有那个知道广大公民的想法的人才配代表美国, (这些广大公民)每天操劳他们的生意, 从早忙到晚, 晚上疲惫地回家, 做着我们为之骄傲的事情。


Title: The New Freedom
A Call For the Emancipation of the Generous Energies of a People

Author: Woodrow Wilson

Release Date: January 26, 2005 [EBook #14811]

Language: English

美国的希望在礼物和在将来是相同作为它有总是:这是从未知的家人出来将构成自己产业大师和政治的希望和信心。 平均充满希望的人, 平均福利平均企业,美国的平均主动性是使它富有的唯一的事。我们不是富有的因为几先生们指挥我们的产业;我们是富有的由于我们自己的智力和拥有产业。美国人不包括让他们的名字进入报纸的人;美国人不包括由决定设置自己是政治领导的政治人; 她不包括做多数她谈话的人-- 他们重要只至于他们讲话为constitude 巨大身体和国家的挽救力量的那了不起的无声的许多人。 只他适合讲话为知道公民的了不起的身体想法的美国,去他们的事务每天的人,劳碌从早晨直到夜的人,回家疲乏在everings 的人,继续事我们的人是很骄傲的。

You know how it thrills our blood sometimes to think how all the nations of the earth wait to see what America is going to do with her power, her physical power, her enormous resources, her enormous wealth. The nations hold their breath to see what this young country will do with her young unspoiled strength; we cannot help but be proud that we are strong. But what has made us strong? The toil of millions of men, the toil of men who do not boast, who are inconspicuous, but who live their lives humbly from day to day; it is the great body of toilers that constitutes the might of America. It is one of the glories of our land that nobody is able to predict from what family, from what region, from what race, even, the leaders of the country are going to come. The great leaders of this country have not come very often from the established, "successful" families.