
来源:百度文库 编辑:中科新闻网 时间:2024/09/30 20:04:28

我是怎样地爱你 (勃朗宁夫人(英))

how do i love thee? let me count the ways.
i love thee to the depth and breadth and height
my soul can reach, when feeling out of sight
for the ends of being and ideal grace.
i love thee to the level of everyday's
most quiet , by sun and candle-light
i love thee freely, as men strive for right;
i love thee purely, as they turn from praise.
i love thee with the passion put to use
in my old griefs, and with my childhood's faith
i love thee with a love i seemed to lose
with my lost saints, -- i love thee with the breath,
smiles, tears,and all my life -- and, if god choose;
i shall but love thee better after death.

情人节物语valentine's day

a holiday from work. no one gets a day off[1]. on valentine's day people usually send romantic cards to someone they love or want to be loved by. the cards are called "valentines". they are very colourful, often decorated with hearts, flowers or birds, and have humorous or sentimental verses printed inside. the basic message of the verse is always "be my valentine", "be my sweet heart" or "lover". a valentine is anonymous, or sometimes signed "guess who". the person receiving it has to guess who sent it. this can lead to interesting speculation. and that's half the fun of valentines.

the affectionate message might be carried by a heart - shaped box of chocolate candies, or by a bouquet of flowers tied with red ribbon. but in whatever form, the message is the same - "will you be my valentine?"

one of the symbols of st. valentine's day is the roman god of love, called cupid. cupid is often printed on the card, who is winged infant without wearing anything, poised to shoot his arrow into a heart. he would shoot an arrow of love into a person's heart to make the person fall in love[2] immedia-tely, maybe with the first person to come along. sometimes one arrow would go through[3] two hearts, holding them together. so on february 14th not only do we have picture of the christian st. valentine but we also have pictures of the non-christian cupid, the roman god of love.

but it is from the christians that we get the stories about valen-tine's day that most people have come to believe[4]. one story is about a christian man whose name sounded something like "valentine." he lived around 250 a.d. at that time the roman emperor claudius refused to allow any roman soldiers to get married for any reason whatsoever. christian couples came to valentine to be married. so valentine would marry them in a christian way. he was discovered and put in prison by the emperor.one tradition says that he wrote notes to his friends by marking on leaves and then throwing them out the window of his prison. and the leaves were shaped like a heart.

there are many favourite songs of valentine's day. here is one of them: let me call you sweetheart, i'm in love with you. let me hear you whisper, that you love me , too. keep the lovelight shining, in your eyes so true . let me call you sweetheart, i'm in love with you.





1. get a day off:休假一天。我们知道,off通常是"离开、关掉"的意思。那幺"拿一天离开、关掉一天"自然就是可以不需要去上班上学啦!于是就是"休假一天"。

2. fall in love:坠入爱河(恋爱)。fall原意是"落下、跌倒"的意思,"跌倒到爱里去了",自然就是最最幸福的时刻了,那就是坠入爱河的感觉啦!

3. go through:穿过。此处是指爱神之箭穿透了两个人的心。把他们的心连起来了。

4. it is from the christians that we get the stories about valentine's day that most people have come to believe.:这是一个强调句式。被强调的from the christians戴上了it is这个帽子,就成了"主角"了。而剩下的句子成分则由that来引导,按原序被扔在了后面了。

sorry for making you cry
for turning away
as you walk on by
but baby i need to be strong
and i need to move on with my life
you know it's not that i don't care
so don't make me feel bad
it's not fair
baby you know all the reasons
i made my decisions in life
now a girl's gotta do
what a girl's gotta do
and a boy had to become a man
and i'm sorry for saying
but it's love that i need
and that love i just can't get from you
it's funny how things turn around
one day i am lost
then i'm found
it happened so fast
i knew it would last
from the first time
i first looked in your eyes
although it's so soon this i know
i'll never be on my own
dreams turn to tears
she buries my fears
and i will cherish this love ever more
you know it's not easy to do
turning my back on me and you
but baby i need someone there
who will love me and care for my life
smiles they turned into tears
and all of my dreams
they all disappeared
baby this cannot be right
so i'll turn down the light
on our love
now a boy's gotta do
what a boy's gotta do
and a girl had to do what she can
and i'm sorry for saying
but it's love that i need
and that love i just can't get from you
it's funny how things turn around
one day i am lost
then i'm found
it happened so fast
i knew it would last
from the first time
i first looked in your eyes
although it's so soon this i know
i'll never be on my own
dreams turn to tears
she buries my fears
and i will cherish this love ever more
and everything that could gone wrong
has gone wrong at some time
now i can see the light
it was love at first sight
and i'm not gonna let this girl go
it's funny how things turn around
one day i am lost
then i'm found
it happened so fast
i knew it would last
from the first time
i first looked in your eyes
although it's so soon this i know
i'll never be on my own
dreams turn to tears
she buries my fears
and i will cherish this love ever more
yes i will
with you

Love has it all beckons softly with its call Night & day,
E're spreading its silky wings on its way.

Love has it all gently falls to the lonely melting heart,and giving it a fresh new start.

Love has it all hot & cold emotion,wild & free imagination.

Love has it all don't you ever know,it touches you where're you go and kisses your broken soul.

While I feel lost barely surviving ups & falls.
When broken dreams are trailing up the sky winds soaring high.
But when I ask love to stay it flies away,leaving no trace makes me wonder what to say.

Love has it all hot & cold emotion,wild & free imagination
Love has it all it turns moments to gold.It caresses your broken soul and touches you wherever you go.

Now that I know Love is hot & Love is cold.Moments of ice moments of fire.It flashes through the eye.For all I know Love would want it to remould from faded dreams to heart of gold A brand new story.