
来源:百度文库 编辑:中科新闻网 时间:2024/07/03 13:29:44
The impact of these younger Conservative and Tory historians has still to be felt ;since their work has been cut across by two develepents ,both the result of the effort begun in 1963 by a group of senior historians ,many of whom were connected with the Cabinet Office historical branch or the Foreign Office Research Department (responsible for the publication of two sets of series ,Documents on German Foreign Policy ,and Documents on British Foreign Policy ),to obtain a revision of the 1958 Public Record Act so as to lower the limits of the closed period for public archives from fifty years to thirty. Their campaign was fired by the apprent ease with which ex-ministers could obtain access to the papers dealing with their period in office to produce what were widely believed to be partial,if not partisan ,defences of their record while in office ;their individual protests were so abruptly rejected by Mr Macmillan before his retirement from office in 1963 that they were driven to lobby the Cabinet Office collectively .The subsequent debate within the government and Cabinet Office took place against a background of two general elections (1964and1966)and was dependent upon the agreement of a committee of Privy Councillors drawn from all three parties .The debate lasted for four years until the Public Record Act of 1967 lowered the closed period to thirty years ,and began ,with each New Year'Day ,a rush of journalists and historians to skim the cream off each fresh release of papers .They were to be followed by a new group of professional cream-skimmers ,‘instant historians’,the urgency of whose publisher'dead-lines made any collation with other source ,let alone any possibility of serious digestion and rethinking of the idees recues ,virtually impossible .Some of these had been participants in the events they now re-examined,as,for example ,the late Ian Colvin who as the News Chronicle correspondent expelled from Berlin at the end of March 1939 had brought back false information as to the imminence of a German attach on Poland which had helped the British cabinet to reach its hurried decision to guarantee Poland .Some had already shown in their biographical studies of the past that new evidence did little to change minds already set in their views .The majority ,however ,had no excuse other than the willingness of their publishers to issue and of the public to absorb works ,the novelty of whose source materials did nothing to upset the received ideas of the past.
第九行 apprent 为apparent

因为它们的工作一直着力跨越由两名develepents,无论结果;努力,开始于1963年由一群资深历史学家,其中有许多人都与内阁办公室查明历史科或外事厅研究总署(负责出版这两套系列、文件的德国外交政策上、文件上关于英国的外交政策)、获取修改<1958年公营纪录行事,以便降低限度关闭的期限公营档案馆从53年才能第三十五. 他们发射运动的缓和与apprent前部长可能获得的文件处理其在任期间所产生普遍认为是局部的,如果不是如此,其纪录辩护,同时处
辩论长达四年,直到1967年降低了公众行为记录封闭时间 30年来,开始时,每一天'NewYear,抢来的记者和学者掬食每客精英论文发表.
有些已经参加活动,现在重新审查,例如已故Ian领事馆人员的新闻纪事记者赶出柏林3月底的1939带回虚假资料,即将德国袭击波兰曾帮助英国内阁达到 波兰决定提前保证.

冲击的这些更加年轻的保守性和Tory 史学家有仍然是毛毡;因为他们的工作由二develepents 削减了,1963 年两个努力的结果开始由一个小组资深史学家,许多谁用内阁办公室历史分支或外国办公室研究部门被联络了(负责任对二套的出版物系列,文件在德国对外政策,并且文件在英国的对外政策),获得1958 公众记录法案的修正以便降低关闭期间的极限为公开档案从五十年到三十。 他们的竞选由前部长能获得对本文的通入应付他们的期间在办公室生产的apprent 舒适射击了什么广泛认为是部份的,如果不党羽,他们的纪录防御当在办公室;1963 年他们各自的抗议由麦克米伦先生那么突然拒绝了在他的退休之前从办公室, 他们被驾驶集体游说内阁办公室。随后辩论在政府和内阁办公室之内发生了反对二次大选背景(1964.and1966)and 取决于厕所的委员委员会的协议得出从所有三个党。辩论持续了四年直到公众纪录行动1967 降低了关闭期间对三十年,并且开始了,与各新Year'Day,新闻工作者和史学家仓促撇取奶油纸各新发行。他们将被一个新小组专业奶油漏杓跟随,做任一核对以其它来源publisher'dead 线的..instant historians....the 紧急,更不用说任何严肃的消化的可能性和重新考虑idees recues,实际上不可能。这些是参加者在事件他们现在再检查,as,例如,的已故的伊恩・Colvin 因为新闻记载通讯员被逐出从柏林在底3月1939 日把假的信息带回至于德国附上迫切在波兰帮助英国内阁做出它的赶紧的决定保证波兰。一些已经表示在他们的过去的自传研究, 新证据做一点改变头脑已经被设置在他们的意图。多数人,但是,没有借口除他们的出版者的自愿发布和公众之外吸收工作,参考来源资料做没什么弄翻过去的被接受的想法的新奇。