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查询台 Information desk
新生儿室 Infant room
沐 浴 室 Bath room
妇 检 查Gynaecological examination
母婴同室 Room of mother and infant
隔离产室 Isolated delivery room
库 房 Warehouse
产 房 Delivery room
动态血压 Ambulatory blood pressure
动态心电图室 Dynamic electrocardiogram
多功能心电检查室 Multifunction electrocardio examination room
水处理室 Water treatment room
手术后病室 Recovering room
氧气瓶室 Oxygen cylinder room
库 房 Warehouse
限制室 Authorized entering room
库 房 Warehouse
麻醉准备室 Anesthesia preparation room

肝炎专科 Specialized Department of Hepatitis
肠道门诊 Intestinal Outpatient service
机 房 Computer room 
碎石治疗中心 Lithotriptic Center
登记 Registry
划价 Charging
螺旋CT室 Spiral CT Room
门诊收费处Charging Office for Outpatient Service
小儿内分泌 Pediatric endocrine
小儿哮喘专科 Specialized Department of Pediatric Asthma
神经内科 Department of Neurology
普 外 科 Department of Surgery
小儿外科 Department of Pediatric Surgery
胆肠外科 Department of Biliary-enteric Surgery
中医内科 Internal Medicine Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine
方便门诊 Convenient outpatient service
保健门诊 Outpatient service for health care
中医胃肠科 Gastroenterology Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine
疼痛专科 Department of Pain Treatment
家 床 科 In-home Care Department
西医内科Internal Medicine Department
导 医 Medical service guiding
男性专科 Department of Urology
前列腺专科Department of Prostatitis
肠 外 科 Department of Intestinal Surgery
腰腿痛专科 Department of Lumbago and Sciatica
西药外科 Surgery Department of Western Medicine
肝胆胰外科 Hepatopancreatobiliary Surgery Department

肿 痛 科 Department of Oncology
中医骨伤科Traditional Medical Traumatology & Orthopedics
骨伤专家门诊 Expert outpatient service of Traumatology & Orthopedics
性 病 科 Department of Venereology
腋 臭 专科Specialized Department of Tragomachalia Treatment
性 病 科 Department of Venereology
损伤专科 Department of Injury
骨与关节 Bone and Joint
产科宣教室 Obstetrics education room
妇科手术 Gynaecologic surgery
产科高危险门诊 High-risk outpatient service of obstetrics
妇产科专家门诊 Expert outpatient service of gynaecology and obstetrics
妇产门诊 Outpatient service of gynaecology and obstetrics
西医内科 Internal Medicine Department of Western Medicine
老 年 病 Diseases of Aged People
门诊办公室Outpatient Clinic Office
西医内科 Internal Medicine Department of Western Medicine
中医内科 Internal Medicine Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine
中医儿科 Paediatric Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine
中医肿瘤科 Carcinoma Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine
中医内科 Internal Medicine Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine
中医妇科 Gynaecologic Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine
不孕不育专科 Specialized Department of infertility and sterility
中医外科 Surgery Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine
中医皮肤科 Skin Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine
镶牙整畸室 Dental prosthesis and orthodontics room
电脑工作室 Operating room of computer
综合档案室 Comprehensive archives room
多普勒室 Doppler diagnostic room
中药库办公室 Office of Traditional Chinese Medicine Warehouse
肝炎专科 Specialized Department of Hepatitis Treatment
诊 室 Consulting room
留观室 Observing room
污染更衣室Dressing room for contaminated clothes
感染科肝炎门诊 Hepatitis Outpatient Service of Infectious Department