
来源:百度文库 编辑:中科新闻网 时间:2024/07/02 18:59:11

China imposes consumption tax on disposable and luxury items

China announced Tuesday its plan to impose a consumption tax on disposable wooden chopsticks, wooden floor panels, yachts, luxury watches and more oil based products as of April 1 of this year.

The Ministry of Finance said the plan has been approved by the Chinese Government and was designed to control and regulate energy consumption, help protect the environment by reducing consumption of timber resources, and narrow the gap between the poor and the rich by collecting a consumption tax on the luxury items.

China will collect a 5 percent consumption tax on disposable wooden chopsticks in a bid to discourage their use as they are a waste of timber resources, said the ministry.

The production of disposable chopsticks uses up China's forests at a rate of 1.3 million cubic meters of timber or 2 million cubic meters of wood each year, the ministry said.

China sells 10 million boxes of wooden chopsticks domestically and exports about 6 million boxes each year, which amounts to 15 billion pairs of chopsticks, according to the statement.

China will also impose a 5 percent tax on wooden floor panels to discourage the consumption of timber resources. It will also institute a 10 percent tax on yachts, golf balls and golf clubs, and a 20 percent tax on luxury watches, it said.

China will collect a consumption tax on naphtha, solvent, lubricant at a rate of 0.2 yuan per liter, and 0.1 yuan per liter for aviation fuel oil, said the ministry.

The ministry said the government will collect only 30 percent of the tax on naphtha and solvent in order to lessen the impact on the industry sector. It will also not collect the tax on aviation fuel for the time being.

The ministry said it will scrap the consumption tax on skin care and shampoo products as of April 1. (Xinhua)

Carnivorous plants eat meat. Most of them eat all kinds of insects, and those that live around water eat mosquito larvae(孑孓) and tiny fish. Some tropical(热带的) carnivorous plants have even been reported to capture frogs, rats or birds! But don’t worry. These plants pose no danger to humans.
Carnivorous plants tend to grow in thin soil or places that are lacking in nutrients, thus they turn to animals for food. Scientists have identified more than 600 species of such plants, although some are now extinct(灭绝). The Venus flytrap(捕蝇草) is probably the most famous.
Strategies to catch a meal
To attract their prey(猎物), carnivorous plants use different strategies. Some are sweetly scented(散发气味), others are brightly colored, still others have parts that are sticky or slippery(滑的) or designed in a way that makes it hard for prey to escape.
For example, pitcher plants(猪笼草)use pitfall traps(陷阱捕捉器), in which the prey falls into a rolled leaf that contains digestive enzymes(消化酶) at the bottom. The enzymes cause the captured prey to rot and the plant absorbs the nutrients.
How do the plants move?
The Venus flytrap has long been an object of fascination. How does the plant move? Does it have muscles?
Venus flytraps aren’t the only type of carnivorous plant that moves, but they are the most commonly known. When something touches the hairs on the edges of the leaves, the cells on the inside wall of the trap transfer water to the outside walls, so the inside goes limp(软的). This makes the leaf snap closed(迅速闭合).
Some other carnivorous plants move in another way. After the prey gets stuck on the plants’ sticky hairs, the hairs twist the creature by growing faster on the outside than the inside. They can do this really fast.
Plant eats Hollywood
Meat-eating plants have also captured the imagination of many writers and filmmakers. One of the well-known carnivorous plant stories is Little Shop of Horrors《绿魔先生》. It was first filmed in 1960, and then made into a Broadway musical, with a second Hollywood release in 1986. This film tells the story of a florist(种花人) who discovers an unusual plant with a unique appetite ... for human blood.

Year of Russia in China


Russian President Vladimir Putin pays a state visit to China starting today at the invitation of Chinese President Hu Jintao. Both leaders will announce the kick-off of the “Year of Russia” in China.
Russia will hold the “Year of China” in Russia in 2007. The “national year” activities in the two countries cover issues from politics and trade to culture and education, from health and sports to science and technology and military affairs. Such activities are the largest ever to be held between China and Russia.
Increasing bilateral relationship
During the visit, President Putin will hold talks with President Hu, exchanging views on further increasing bilateral strategic and cooperative partnership. They will also discuss major international and regional issues of common concern.
Energy cooperation is one of the most significant issues that the two leaders will discuss. Russian Ambassador Sergei Razov told a press conference on March 16 that Russia plans to supply 15 million tons of crude oil to China by railway this year. Lazov also said Russia is willing to play an active role in the development of China’s nuclear power plan.
Various activities to be held
The two countries will hold about 200 activities of various kinds for the Year of Russia in China, including large ones, such as economic and business summits, national exhibitions, and Russian culture week.
To mark the opening of the Year of Russia in China and next year’s Year of China in Russia, an official website, www.2006rus.com, in both Chinese and Russian, was launched last Thursday.