九把刀小说改编的电影:谁能帮我翻译日记吖. 谢谢.

来源:百度文库 编辑:中科新闻网 时间:2024/10/03 06:07:59

鑫, 如果我妈妈她们不让我去广州读书,我们就在一起好吗??本来对爱情这东西已经没感觉了.但是因为你,你的出现.我已经习惯了你叫我猪头,习惯了你宠我,习惯了你爱我,习惯了你想我,习惯了你…
跟你聊天,没回. 很伤心. 看着我们的聊天记录,有喜,有悲,有争吵,有甜蜜. 听着我们的<醉清风>. 很有感觉.



鑫 , If my mother doesn't let me go to studying in Guangzhou, we together good??I am original to haven't felt to loves this things.But because of you, your emergence.I have already become accustomed to you to call my pig head, become accustomed to you to spoil me, become accustomed to you to love me, become accustomed to you to miss me, become accustomed to you …
In separate of this time, I miss you really and so much.
Chat with you, didn't return. Very sad. Looking at our chat record, in an interesting condition, is sad, have already quarreled, is sweet. Listen to ours. There is felling very much.

Once loved you, just know sweet.Love again who, also all tasteless.

-Love your兜
Do it again.



who can help me translating the diary?