关晓彤在小丈夫里演谁:harriet tubman生平

来源:百度文库 编辑:中科新闻网 时间:2024/07/06 14:20:08

塔布曼(Harriet Tubman)非裔美人,为废奴主义者。她担任地下活动组织人,曾协助无数的黑奴奔向自由,也是北军护士、间谍,以91岁高龄辞世。

Runaways on the Underground Railroad usually traveled by night. They hid by day in places called stations. The people who led the runaways to freedom were called conductors. One of the most famous conductors was Harriet Tubman. Tubman was an escaped slave herself. She made 19 dangerous journeys to free enslaved persons. Among the people she saved were her parents.