
来源:百度文库 编辑:中科新闻网 时间:2024/07/05 18:43:27
魔兽里面一个单位刚出来总要吼一句 哪位达人知道每个兵种说的都是什么呀

侍从- The damned stand ready!
蜘蛛 - The sleeper awakes!!
憎恶- - Us hear and obey!
亡灵巫师-- The shadows beckon!
女妖- - Let my cries chill the living!
阴影- - The damned return!
死亡骑士- - The pact is sealed!
恐惧之王-) = - The night beckons!
巫妖- The ancient evil survives!
地穴领主From the depths I come.

苦工- Ready to work!
咕噜兽-- My life for the Horde!
猎头者- - Venegence for Zulti
-牛头人 -- May my ancestors watch over me!
狼骑兵- - Ready to ride!
蝙蝠骑士Blue troll here.
风骑士- - Ready to soar Master!
萨满法师 - - Storm, Earth, and Fire, head my call!
巫医- - Someone call for de doctor?
灵魂行者The spirit of the earth guide me.
剑圣- I obey the six vengance!
先知- The future is ours!
牛头人酋长- I have an axe to grind!
暗影猎手Want to see somethin' real scary?

弓箭手 - I stand ready.
女猎手- - Godess light my path!
树妖- - Ahh, the great outdoors!
利爪德鲁伊- - The sleeper has awakened!
猛禽德鲁伊- By the Great Winds, I come!
恶魔猎手- At last, we shall have revenge!
丛林守护者-- I must safegaurd the land!
月亮女祭祀- Warriors of the night, assemble!
守望者I am the hand of justice.

农民 -Ready to work!
步兵 -Ready for action!
火枪手- - Locked and loaded!
骑士 - - I await your command!
牧师 - - I come to cleanse this land!
女巫- - The flows of magic are whimsical today!
破法者I smell magic in the air.
矮人直升机 - - We have liftoff!
迫击炮小队- Mortar combat!
龙鹰Ready - Glory to the blood elves.
狮鹫骑士 - It''s hammer time!
大法师- - This had better be worth it!
山丘之王- - Alright, who wants some?!
圣骑士- - I live to serve all believers!
血法师 Burning to avenge

地精飞艇I laugh in the face of danger, hahahahahaha…
深渊领主- I come from the darkness of the pits?
雷克萨- Unleash my strength!
熊猫- Fresh, cool ale here.
黑暗游侠What joke is there in this curse?
娜加海妖- I stand ready





这都知道了, 怕怕。