
来源:百度文库 编辑:中科新闻网 时间:2024/10/02 16:46:30

影片介绍:根据HG威尔斯最著名的科幻小说改编,描述一名英国科学家在1895年发明了一台时光机器,可以自由穿梭于未来的时空之中旅行,但当他真正乘坐这台机器前往未来时,却对他所碰到的生活方式感到失望。导演乔治.佩尔费了相当大的功夫来呈现未来世界的景观,曾获奥斯卡特别效果金像奖,但在今天看来这部四十年前摄制的科幻片只达到漫画书一般的水准而已。不过,洛.泰勒 亚伦.杨 伊薇特.米米亚克斯等人的演出还是不错,影片也有一定的娱乐性。 ”

" Film name:The swims the world of the future

Film introduction:According to the Wales of HG most the science fiction of the of reorganize, describing a British scientist to invent one set time machine in 1895, can wear the shuttle freely in future timespace trip, but when he is real to embark this pedestal machine to go to the future, feel the disappointment to the life style that he run into.Direct George. wear the fee of very big effort to present the view of the world of the future, once get the special result academy award of Oscar, but the science fiction slice that see come to this 40 year agos shoot make attain the general level of the cartoon book only today.However, Taylor's Aaron. especially. the performance that second gram of the rice rice wait for someone still quite good, the film also has the certain amusement. "