福建千里香馄饨培训:谁知道as if we never say goodbye的歌词

来源:百度文库 编辑:中科新闻网 时间:2024/07/07 16:29:20

  From Sunset Boulevard

  I don\'t know why I\'m frightened
  I know my way around here
  The cardboard trees, the painted sea, the sound here
  Yes, a world to rediscover
  But I\'m not in any hurry, and I need a moment

  The whispered conversations in overcrowded hallways
  The atmosphere as thrilling here as always
  Feel, the early morning madness
  Feel, the magic in the making
  Why, everything\'s as if we never said goodbye

  I\'ve spent so many morning just trying to resist you
  I\'m trembling now you can\'t know how I\'ve missed you
  In the ever-spinning playground
  We were young together

  I\'m coming out of make-up
  The lights already burning
  Not long until the camera will start turning
  And the early morning madness
  And the magic in the making
  Yes, everything\'s as if we never said goodbye

  I don\'t want to be alone that\'s all in the past
  This world\'s waited long enough I\'ve come home at last
  And this time will ne nigger and brighter than we knew it
  So watch me fly we all know I can do it
  Could I stop my hands from shaking?
  Has there ever been a moment with so much to live for?

  The whispered conversations in overcrowded hallways
  So much to say not just today but always
  We\'ll have early morning madness
  We\'ll have magic in the making
  Yes, everything\'s as if we never said goodbye
  Yes, everything\'s as if we never said goodbye
  We taught the world new ways to dream


  转贴笔记:资料来源 台湾网站 《安德烈.洛伊.韦伯音乐剧世界》

  安德烈.洛伊.韦伯(Andrew Lloyd Webber)生于1948年, 英国South Kensington。父亲William Bill Southcombe Lloyd Webber是知名的风琴演奏家,祖父William Charles Henry Webber是一个优秀的男高音,母亲Jean Hermione Johnstone是小提琴家,姨妈是剧院演员,弟弟Julian Lloyd Webber是著名提琴手(大提琴),所以…可谓"音乐传家″,也能理解韦伯先生才气纵横,并非偶然!
  在此期间,韦伯认识了Tim Rice,两人志趣相投,从此展开了多年的合作关系,一个作曲,一个作词,堪称最佳拍档!
  而让他们俩首次尝到成名滋味的音乐剧是:约瑟夫与神奇的梦幻彩衣《Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat》,这出戏本来不过是某学校公演的表演曲目罢了,没想到,经过修定改写后,再度上演,便获得了大众的注意。
  在《约》片之后,趁着圣经故事的风潮,他们再度以耶稣为主角,制作《万世巨星Jesus Christ Superstar》,此出摇滚音乐剧因牵涉到对耶稣的议题,还颇受教会人士的争议(不过这出戏也是教会人士支持才完成创作的)由于批评颇多,因此其票房不甚理想,造成Webber与Tim Rice间有了不愉快的裂痕。
  Webber因为这两出戏而成名并发财,不但成了百万富翁,且拥有一座古堡庄园,接着Webber想要将英国流亡作家Wodehouse的作品《Jeeves》搬上舞台,但是Tim Rice却希望是阿根廷第一夫人Evita的故事。
  在《Jeeves》失败后,Webber只好再找Tim Rice合作开始《艾薇塔Evita》的工作,这也是两人的最后一次合作了,剧中Evita角色由Elaine Paige所饰,当时她只是名小演员,而1978年的演出,Evita不但再度证明了Webber的才华,也把此女主角捧红了,而Tim Rice也与Elaine Paige谈起恋爱来。
  虽然《Evita》演出成功,但两位作曲作词家之间,却是越闹越凶,争执不断,因此,之后Webber就与Tim Rice分道扬镳了!

  1981年,Webber一出没有Tim Rice的音乐剧《猫Cats》上演了,《猫》的成功证明了Webber并不一定要依靠Tim Rice,此剧中,名曲Memory便是由Elaine Paige唱红的,而Sarah Brightman在此剧饰演一小小的角色,现在这出戏可是英国史上上演最久的音乐剧也是百老汇长青音乐剧之首唷!
  在猫之后,1982年,推出了《歌与舞Song and Dance》,1984年,推出《星光列车Starlight Express》,虽然《歌与舞》的演出并不算成功,但《星光列车》运用现代科技舞台效果与穿上溜冰鞋的演员,让观众无不感到惊奇。

  Webber的第一任妻子叫Sarah Hugill,她在1971年就嫁给了Webber,他们的婚姻维持了12年,并有一对子女。
  而Sarah Brightman为了争取《猫》剧的演出参与了试音,但并为引起Webber太大的注意,Webber是在之后的一篇报导中才注意到她,接着,引发了一场婚外情。

  1983年,Webber与Sarah Hugill离婚,1984年便与Sarah Brightman结婚,婚姻维持了7
  1986年,《歌剧魅影The Phantom of the Opera》在伦敦首演(热烈回响热烈回响~~)!
  继《Phantom》之后,筹备已久的《爱的观点Aspects of Love》也上了舞台,此剧是韦伯的最爱,但是风评不佳,尤其是在美国,因此,为了美国观众的认同,Webber改编了以好莱坞为背景的故事——《日落大道Sunset Boulevard》。
  接着 Webber的新剧《微风轻哨Whistle Down the Wind》1996年在美国华盛顿DC首演,不过因为之前《日落大道》在美国的卖座并不是很理想,所以Webber将《Whistle》全面停演,新编不少曲子及扩大舞台设计,于1998年7月1日在伦敦西区重新上演!
  1998年韦伯也五十大寿啰,4月7日在英国皇家艾伯特音乐厅(Royal Albert Hall)举办了巨星庆祝音乐会,曲目除了韦伯过去的著名音乐剧选曲外,还有韦伯新作《微风轻哨Whistle Down the Wind》里的新曲,会中邀请了韦伯的爱将们来演唱,像《Aspects of Love爱的观点》Michael Ball、《Phantom of the Opera歌剧魅影》Sarah Brightman、《Sunset Boulevard日落大道》Glenn Close、《Cats猫》Elaine Paige,还有韦伯的弟弟Julian Lloyd Webber以大提琴表演《Variations》,其它还有Tina Arena、Bonnie Tyler、Lottie Mayor、Boyzone为《Whistle Down the Wind》献唱,在音乐会后段,韦伯还首度发表将来在歌剧魅影续集中的新曲〈The Heart Is Slow to Learn〉由著名重抒情女高音Kiri Te Kanawa演唱……


  From Whistle Down The Wind

  Whistle down the wind
  Let your voices carry
  Drown out all the rain
  Light a patch of darkness
  Treacherous and scary

  Howl at the stars
  Whisper when you\'re sleeping
  I\'ll be there to hold you
  I\'ll be there to stop
  The chills and all the weeping

  Make it clear and strong
  So the whole night long
  Every signal that you send
  Until the very end
  I will not abandon you my precious friend

  So try and stem the tide
  Then you\'ll raise a banner
  Send a flare up in the sky
  Try to burn a torch
  And try to build a bonfire

  Every signal that you send
  Until the very end
  I\'m there

  So whistle down the wind
  For I have always been
  Right there


  ANY DREAM WILL DO Donny Osmond + Kids Choir
  From Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat

  I closed my eyes, drew back the curtain
  To see for certain what I thought I knew
  Far far away, someone was weeping
  But the world was sleeping
  Any dream will do

  I wore my coat, with golden lining
  Bright colors shineing, wonderful and new
  And in the wast, the dawn was breaking
  And the world was waking
  Any dream will do

  A crash of drums, a flash of light
  My golden coat flew out of sight
  The colors faded into darkness
  I was left alone

  May I return to the beginning
  The light is dimming, and the dream is too
  The world and I, we are still waiting
  Still besitating
  Any dream will do


  CLOSE EVERY DOOR Donny Osmond + Kids Choir
  From Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat

  Close every door to me
  Hide all the world from me
  Bar all the windows
  And shut out the light
  Do whatyou want with me
  Hate me and laugh at me
  Darken the daytime
  And torture my night
  If my life were important I
  Would ask will I live or die
  But I know the answers lie
  Far from this world

  Close every door to me
  Keep those I love from me
  Children of Israel
  Are never alone
  For I know I shall find
  My own peace of mind
  For I have been promised
  A land of my own

  Close every door to me
  Hide all the world from me
  Bar all the windows
  And shut out the light

  Just give me a number
  Instead of my name
  Forget all about me
  And let me decay
  I do not matter
  I\'m only one person
  Destroy me completely
  The throw me away

  If my life were important I
  Would ask will I live or die
  But I know the abswers lie
  Far from this world

  Close every door to me
  Keep those I love from me
  Children of Israel
  Are never alone
  For we know we shall find
  Our own peace of mind
  For we have been promised
  A land of our own


  From Evita

  Requiem aeternum dona Evita
  Requiem Evita


  OH WHAT A CIRCUS Antonio Banderas
  From Evita

  Oh What A circus! Oh what a show!
  Argentina has gone to town
  Over the death of an actress called Eva Peron
  We\'ve all gone cray
  Mourning all day and mouring all night
  Falling over ourselves to geet all of the misery right

  Oh what an exit! That\'s how to go!
  When they\'re ringing your curtain down
  Demand to be buried like Eva Peron
  I\'t quite a sunset
  And good for the country in a round about way
  We\'ve made the front page of all the world\'s papers today

  But who is this Santa Evita?
  Why all this howling hysterical sorrow?
  What kind of goddess has lived among us?
  How will we ever get by without her?

  She had her moments -- she had some style
  The best show in town was the crowd
  Outside the Casa Rosada cring, "Eva Peron"
  But that\'s all gone now
  As soon as the smoke from the funreal clears
  We\'re all going to see how she did nothing for years!

  Salve regina mater misericordiae
  Vita dulcedo et spes nostra
  Salve salve regina
  Ad te clamamus exules filii Eva
  Ad te suspiramus gementes et flentes
  O clemens o pia

  You let down your people Evita
  You were supposed to have been immortal
  That\'s all they wanted
  Not much to ask for
  But in the end you could not deliver

  Sing you fools! But got it wrong
  Enjoy your prayers because you haven\'t got long
  Your queen is dead, your king is through
  She\'s gnot coming back to you

  Show business kpt us all alive
  Since 17 October 1945
  But the star has gone, the glamour\'s won thin
  That\'s a pretty bad state for a state to be in

  Instead of goverment we had a stage
  Instead of ideas a prima donna\'s rage
  Instead of help we were given a crowd
  She didn\'t say much but she said it loud

  Sing you fools? But you got it wrong
  Enjoy your prayers because you haven\'t got long
  Your queen is dead, your king is through
  She\'s not coming back to you

  Salce regina mater misericordiae
  Vita dulcedo et spes nostra
  Salve salve regina Peron
  Ad te clamamus exules filii Eva
  Ad te suspiramus gementes et flentes
  O clemens o pia

  Don\'t cry for me Argentina
  For I am ordinarym, unimportant
  And underserving of such attention
  Unless we all are -- I think we all are

  Ride on my train of my people
  And when it\'s your turn to die you\'ll remember
  They fired those cannons, sang lamentations
  Not just for Eva, for Argentina

  Not just for Eva, for everybody
  So share my glory, so share my coffin
  So share my glory, so share my coffin

  It\'s our funeral too


  HIGH FLYING ,ADORED Antonio Banderas
  From Evita

  High flying, adored, so young, the instant gueen, a
  Rich beautiful thing of all the talents, a cross betwwen a
  Fantasy of the bedroom and a saint
  And you were just a back street girl
  Hustling and fighting
  Scratching and bitting
  High flying, adored, did you believe in your wildest moments
  All this would be yours, that you\'d become the lady of them all?
  Were ther stars in your eyes when you crawled in at night
  >From the bars, from the sidewalks
  >From the gutter theatrical?
  Don\'t look down, it\'s a long long way to fall

  High flying, adored, what happens now, where do you go from here?
  For someone on the top of the world, the view\'s not exactly clear
  A shame you did it all at twenty-six
  There are no mysteries now
  Nothing can thrill you
  No-one fulfill you
  High flying , adored, I hope you come to terms with boredom
  So famous, so easily, so soon, is not the wisest thing to be
  You won\'t care if they love you, it\'s been done before
  You\'ll despair if they hate you
  You\'ll be drained of all energy
  All the young who\'ve made it would agree


  From Evita

  It won\'t be easy, you\'ll think it strange
  When I try to explain how I feel
  That I still need your love after all that I\'ve done
  You won\'t believe me
  All you will see is a girl you once knew
  Although she\'s dressed up to the nines
  At sixes and sevens with you

  I had to let it happen, I had to change
  Couldn\'t stay all my life down the heel
  Looking out of the window, staying out of the sun
  So I chose freedom
  Running around trying everything new
  But nothing impressed me at all
  I never expected it to

  Don\'t cry for me Argentina
  The truth is I never left you
  All throught my wild days
  My mad existence
  I kept my promise
  Don\'t keep your distance

  And as for fortune, and as for fame
  I never invited them in
  Though it seemed to be the world they were all I desired
  They are illusions
  They are not the solutions they promised to be
  The answer was here all the time
  I love you and hope you love me

  Don\'t cry for me Argentina

  Don\'t cry for me Argentina
  The truth is I never left you
  All through my wild days
  My mad existance
  I kept my promise
  Don\'t keep your distance

  Have I said too much? There\'s nothing more I can think of to say to you
  But all you have to do is look at me to know that every word is true


  From Starlight Express

  Diesel is for unbelievers. Electricity is wrong.
  Steam has got the power that will pull us along
  There\'s a light at the end of the tunnel
  There\'s a light at the end of the tunnel
  The inside might be as black as the night

  But there\'s a light at the end of the tunnel
  There\'s a light at the end of the tunnel
  The inside might be as black as the night
  But at the end of the tunnel there\'s a light

  It\'s the power of James Watt, the steaming Scot

  The man who watched the pot and said "Hey, I\'ve got
  A brilliant plot: when the steam is hot
  It seems to make a lot of power"

  It could turn a wheel
  Lots of power

  It could drive it down a track
  Clickety clack , clinkety clack

  It could drive it with a beat
  With enought left over for a
  He saw the light at the end of the tunnel
  I said he saw the light at the end of the tunnel

  Thanks James Watt (thank you Mr. Watt)
  For watching the pot

  He saw the light at the end of the tunnel
  He saw the light at the end of the tunnel
  The inside might be as black as the night
  But at the end of the tunnel there\'s a light

  There are dark days ahead
  When the power goes dead
  When the oil runs dry
  What can we try?

  We could use the sunlight
  Buy it don\'t shine at night

  Nuclear fission
  Leaves a masty emission
  Soon the pistons will be humming
  Steam will have a second coming

  We saw the light at the end of the tunnel
  we saw the light at the end of the tunnel
  Just dig a hole and haul out the coal
  We saw the light at the end of the tunnel
  We saw the light at the end of the tunnel
  So let the water boil - goodbye to oil
  at the end of the tunnel there\'s a light

  We saw the light at the end of the tunnel(We see the light)
  We saw the light at the end of the tunnel(We see the light)
  When the Angle Gabriel blows his magic toot
  We saw the light at the end of the tunnel(We see the light)
  We saw the light at the end of the tunnel(We see the light)
  at the end of the tunnel there\'s a light


  HOSANNA Denis O\'Neill/Sarah Brightman
  From Requiem

  Hosanna Heysanna Sanna Sanna Ho
  Sanna Hey Sanna Ho Sanna
  Hey J C, J C won\'t you smile at me?
  Sanna Ho Sanna Hey Superstar

  Hosanna Heysanna Sanna Sanna Ho
  Sanna Hey Sanna Ho Sanna
  Hey J C,J C you\'re alright by me
  Sana Ho Sanna Hey Superstar


  PIE JESU Sarah Brightman & Ban De\'Ath
  From Requiem

  Pie Jesu, pie Jesu, pie Jesu, pie Jesu
  Qui tolis peccata mundi
  Donna eis requiem, donna eis requiem

  Pie Jesu, pie Jesu, pie Jesu, pie Jesu

  Qui tolis peccata mundi
  Donna eis requiem, donna eis requiem

  Agnus Dei, Agnus Dei, Agnus Dei, Agnus Dei

  Qui tolis peccata mundi
  Donna eis requiem, donna eis requiem

  Donna eis requiem


  Donna eis requiem





  SUPERSTAR Marcus Lovett
  From Jesus Christ Superstar

  Every time I look at you
  I don\'t understand
  Why you let the things you did
  Get so out of hand
  You\'d had it planned
  Now why\'d you choose such a backward time
  And such a strange land?

  If you\'d come today
  You could have reached a whole nation
  Isreal in 4 BC
  Had no mass communication
  (Don\'t you get me wrong)
  Don\'t you get me wrong
  (Don\'t you get me wrong, now)
  Don\'t you get me wrong
  (Don\'t you get me wrong)
  Don\'t you get me wrong
  (Don\'t you get me wrong, now)
  Don\'t you get me wrong

  (Only want to know)
  Only want to know
  (Only want to know, now)
  Only want to know
  (Only want to know)
  Only want to know
  (Only want to know, now)
  Only want to know

  Jesus Christ
  Jesus Christ
  Who are you? What have you sacrificed?
  Juses Christ
  Juses Christ
  Who are you? What have you sacrificed?
  Juses Christ
  Do you thik you\'re what they say you are?
  Jesus Christ
  Do you think you\'re what they say you are?

  Tell me what you think
  About your friends at the top
  Now who do you think besides yourslelf
  Was the pick of the crop?
  Buddah was he where it\'s at?
  Is he where you are?
  Could Mahomet move a mountain
  Or was that just PR?
  Did you mean to die like that?
  Was what a mistake or
  Did you know your messy death
  Would be a record breaker?

  (Don\'t you get me wrong)Don\'t you get me wrong
  (Don\'t you get me wrong, now)Don\'t you get me wrong
  (Don\'t you get me wrong)Don\'t you get me wrong
  (Don\'t you get me wrong, now)Don\'t you get me wrong

  (Only want to know)Only want to know
  (Only want to know, now)Only want to know
  (Only want to know)Only want to know
  (Only wnat to know, now)Only want to know

  Jesus Christ
  Jesus Christ
  Who are you? What have you sacrificed?
  Jesus Christ
  Jesus Christ
  Who are you? What have you sacrificed?
  Jesus Christ
  Do you think you\'re what they say you are?
  Jesus Christ
  Do you think you\'re what they say you are?


  GETHSEMANE Michael Ball
  From Jesus Christ Superstar

  I only want to say
  If there is a way
  Take this cup away from me
  For I don\'t want to taste its poison
  Feel it burn me
  I have changed I\'m not as sure
  as when we started
  Then I was inspired
  Now I\'m sad and tired
  Listen surely I\'ve exceeded
  Tired for three years
  Semms like thirty
  Could you ask as much
  >From any other man?

  But if I die
  See the saga through
  And do the things you ask of me
  Let them hate me,

I don't know why i'm frightened
I know my way around here
The cardboard trees, the painted scenes, the sound here.
Yes a world to rediscover,
But i'm not in any hurry
And i need a moment.

The whispered conversations in overcrowded hallways,
The atmosphere as thrilling here as always
Feel the early morning madness
Feel the magic in the making
Why everything's as if we never said goodbye.

I've spent so many mornings
Just trying to resist you
I'm trembling now
You can't know how i've missed you,
Missed the fairy-tail adventures
In this ever-spinning playground
We were young together.

I'm coming out of make-up
The lights already burning,
Not long until the camera's will start turning
And the early morning madness
And the magic in the making...
Yes, everything is as if we never said goodbye.

I don't want to be alone that's all in the past,
This world's waited long enough,
I've come home at last!

And this time will be bigger,
And brighter than we knew it.
So watch me fly, we all know i can do it...
Could i stop my hand from shaking?
Has there ever been a moment with so much to live for?

The whispered conversations in overcrowded hallways,
So much to say not just today but always.
We'll have early morning madness.
We'll have magic in the making.
Yes, everything is as if we never said goodbye...
Oh, please don't ever ever make me say goodbye!!!