成都市龙泉二中:求助经典表白 百个女生和一个男生 谁有那段话的英文

来源:百度文库 编辑:中科新闻网 时间:2024/07/06 17:07:54
求助经典表白 百个女生和一个男生 谁有那段话的英文

楼上的,错了。是找100 girls的台词。

Matthew: Without you, I'm as lonely as an abandoned dog on the side of a highway. I have gift anxiety, even through I don't know when your birthday is. We can spend perfect days shopping and cleaning together. I swear, I'll never make wisecracks when you scrape your tires against the curb while parallel parking. If you consent to live with me, I'll clean the toilet every week. I'll do it with my tongue if you ask. I will strike the words "hooters" and "love rockets" from my vocabulary. I'll love you. Even if your name is Mimi and you want me to pronounce it "May May". I will only pass gas underneath the covers and under the direst of circumstances. Hell, I'll go on a low cholesterol diet. And I won't buy one of those red sports cars when I hit my mid-life crisis. Your parents can come visit us every week, even if your mom is a witch with a capital B. And your folks don't have to go to a retirement home because they can come live with us. I declare, I'll separate the whites from the colors and learn the mysteries of hot and cold water washes. I'll never huff and puff while waiting for you to put on my makeup. If you're a cat person, I'll never point out the fact that a dog can save your life from drowning, but a cat can't. I will happily go see chick flicks with you, like "Pride and Prejudice". I'll make a point to trying new food like okra gumbo. I won't curl my nose at vegetables whose awful taste is disguised by having cheese on it. I pledge to always say "yes" when you ask, "Is my hair looking okay tonight?" I'm gonna bring a whole new meaning to the word "cuddle". I'll be thoughtful enough to read your horoscope every day. I'm gonna save every birthday card you send me! And I'll actually write you real letters when we're apart. I'm never gonna expect you to know where I left my car keys, and I'll never leave my socks on the floor. With me, you'll find the cap is always on the toothpaste. I'll start wearing those bikini style underwear if you like. My belly button will always be lint free. I want to full-on kiss your clitoris. It will be the most passionate, intimate experience you've ever had. I declare now, I will give my life for you. And if you fail to come to me, I know some part of me will surely die.

Anne: Nat, mind your own business
Customer: My psychoanalyst couldn't stop talking about it. It's a bunch of crap if you ask me.
Daphne: [snarling at prisoner] I don't play "good cop, bad cop" - requires too much patience. I go straight to "bad cop, worse cop." Now behave!
Grandad Shannon: As my last surviving descendant, you have a sacred duty to pass on my genetic material.
Grandad Shannon: [into megaphone] THE HUMAN CONDITION!
Jimmie: Absolutely not!
Jimmie: Four cliches ago.
Jimmie: I'm not interested in your goddamn vagina, all right? I just want to marry you!
Jimmie: Just give me the damn symbolic vaginas.
Jimmie: She's engaged.
Jimmie: She's fifteen!
Jimmie: That's a lovely sentiment.
Marco: Engaged, or married? Because if she's only engaged...
Marco: OK, crunch time. Seventh game of the World Series. Bottom of the ninth. Two outs. Full count. It's our last chance. There's no tomorrow. Got it?
Marco: You are sick!
Marco: [imitating Muhammad Ali while playing with a remote-controlled toy robot] C'mon, gorilla, we in Manila! C'mon, gorilla, this is the Thrilla!
Natalie: What kind of dumb bitch lets Leonardo DiCaprio drown?
Preppy Bride: Thank God I'm bisexual
Priest: It's a wonderful thing, as time goes by, to be with someone who looks into your face, when you've gotten old, and still sees what you think you look like.
Roy O'Dell: Time for desperate measures. What about my daughter?
Roy O'Dell: Well, it's pretty late in the game for you to be Mr. Choosy.
Roy O'Dell: Why not? She's not good enough for you?
[after Carolyn explains to Jimmie the symbolism between flowers and vaginas]
[After Jimmie is rejected by his ex-girlfriend Stacey]
[Before Jimmie asks his ex-girlfriend Buckley to marry him]
[Jimmie hears that his "shit or get off the pot" marriage proposal has become an urban legend]
[while listening to love song from Titanic]