白莲花 exo 小说:急需鸟的天堂的资料啊!

来源:百度文库 编辑:中科新闻网 时间:2024/06/30 00:29:05

  1924年,著名作家巴金来到这里游览后,有感而发,写出了脍炙人口的散文——《鸟的天堂》。如今,“鸟的天堂”已成为一个著名的风景点,吸引了千千万万的游客 小鸟天堂是广东新会闻名中外的生态旅游景点,天然赏鸟胜地,它位于新会城区以南10公里的天马村。
  The Birds' Paradise is a well- known ecological travelling scenery and natural birds' enjoyment paradise.It is located in Tianma Village, which is 10 kilometers to the south of Xinhui City,Guangdong Province.
  About 380 years ago,a banian with mire in the river has been multiplied for a long time,and now it forms a natural beautiful scenic spot rarely. Its branches and leaves cover 10,000 square meters , there are tenthousands of birds live in the banian. In 1933, a renowned literati -- Mr.Bajin had ever written a lyric prose"The Birds' Paradise" after he visited such marvellous scenery by boat,The Birds'Paradise is named after that. Nowadays , the classical prose of Mr.Bajin has been engraved upon Entrance Square in the scenic spot, which can arouse people's enthusiasm for beauty.
  The Birds' Paradise has been praised by tourists all the time, in 2002, it has been extended and reconstru-cted, what's more, we will enhance the protection and the optimization of the natural ecological community. The Birds' Paradise will occupy 400,000 square meters, take the birds' special ecological scenery as the theme, gather ecological , cultural, healthy and casual tourism as a whole , finally , a large-scale , updated, multiple-function scenic spot will fully present before your eyes.
  Most of the birds in the Birds' Paradise is wild egret, such as cattle egret and pond heron, In the morning,the white egrets fly away and the gray egrets come back, while in the evening, the gray egrets go out and thewhite egrets return. They do their activities punctually without disturbingachother. Everyearly morning under the mist, various of birds start dancing gracefully and hovering in the sky, which are full of rustic charm. If you want to hear such melodious sound of the birds , please don't hesitate to come to the Birds' Paradise.Furthermore, you can enjoy the amusement with Guangdong's water country characteristic.You may sigh with the feeling that paradise really exists on the earth.
  Here, you can depart from the uproar, embrace the nature, close to kinds of birds, purify the soul and enrich the mind , isn't it fantastic? It is the Birds' Paradise,and is your paradise as well.

The Birds' Paradise is a well- known ecological travelling scenery and natural birds' enjoyment paradise.It is located in Tianma Village, which is 10 kilometers to the south of Xinhui City,Guangdong Province.
About 380 years ago,a banian with mire in the river has been multiplied for a long time,and now it forms a natural beautiful scenic spot rarely. Its branches and leaves cover 10,000 square meters , there are tenthousands of birds live in the banian. In 1933, a renowned literati -- Mr.Bajin had ever written a lyric prose"The Birds' Paradise" after he visited such marvellous scenery by boat,The Birds'Paradise is named after that. Nowadays , the classical prose of Mr.Bajin has been engraved upon Entrance Square in the scenic spot, which can arouse people's enthusiasm for beauty.
The Birds' Paradise has been praised by tourists all the time, in 2002, it has been extended and reconstru-cted, what's more, we will enhance the protection and the optimization of the natural ecological community. The Birds' Paradise will occupy 400,000 square meters, take the birds' special ecological scenery as the theme, gather ecological , cultural, healthy and casual tourism as a whole , finally , a large-scale , updated, multiple-function scenic spot will fully present before your eyes.
Most of the birds in the Birds' Paradise is wild egret, such as cattle egret and pond heron, In the morning,the white egrets fly away and the gray egrets come back, while in the evening, the gray egrets go out and thewhite egrets return. They do their activities punctually without disturbingachother. Everyearly morning under the mist, various of birds start dancing gracefully and hovering in the sky, which are full of rustic charm. If you want to hear such melodious sound of the birds , please don't hesitate to come to the Birds' Paradise.Furthermore, you can enjoy the amusement with Guangdong's water country characteristic.You may sigh with the feeling that paradise really exists on the earth.
Here, you can depart from the uproar, embrace the nature, close to kinds of birds, purify the soul and enrich the mind , isn't it fantastic? It is the Birds' Paradise,and is your paradise as well.

小鸟天堂原名“雀墩”。1933年春夏之交,著名作家巴金来新会访友,曾荡扁舟游于“雀墩”。游罢归去还写过一篇《鸟的天堂》的散文。“小鸟天堂”的雅号即得于此。小鸟天堂是怎样来的呢?相传在明朝景泰2年(公元1451年),随着人口繁衍和生产的发展,当地村民为了解决吃水难和村前连年受旱的“望天田 ”,故在村前开挖了一条大河。后来,因连年灾荒和瘟病,村民挣扎于饥寒之间,一些迷信风水的人说,这条河把全村的丁财都冲跑了,应建塔以镇之。于是,在景泰末年(公元1457年),由村民集资,河口处建了一座“定宝塔”。但是,建塔后两年,村民的困境毫无解脱。这时,卜算者又说,要保丁生财,非要在河中垒一个“罗星凸”不可。于是,在乡绅的筹划下,由村民凑钱买了两艘木船,将土石盛于船舱,把驶至河中,然后将船凿沉于河底,再在沉船上面填土,使之垒成一个土堆,这就形成了“罗星凸”。而在当时填土的过程中,村民用小艇把泥土运到土堆时,因水流湍急,小艇不易固定,有一村民在村边一棵榕树上砍下一枝,插在土堆中,作为系绑运泥小艇的木桩。后来,这枝榕树木桩就留在土堆上。次年,榕树木枝竟在那肥沃的土堆中生根发叶,青翠异常。村民就把它当成 “风水树”悉心保护。还定下民约,凡经过“罗星凸”的农艇,要向凸上投土。年复一年,“罗星凸”的面积不断扩大,凸上的那棵榕树,也从小树生长为婆娑成荫的大树。由于环境幽静,鱼虫虾蟹丰富,觅食容易,于是,各种鸟类便在树冠之上建巢安居,繁衍后代,“罗星凸”也就变成了“雀墩”。该村的百姓,出于爱鸟之心,定下了一条不成文的规矩:在“雀墩”半径3公里内,不许射猎飞鸟。从而为鸟类的生存发展,提供了必要条件。今天,“雀墩”的面积已达到18亩,栖息在“雀墩”上的鸟数以万计达10多种。为了让人们更好地赏览小鸟天堂, 1983年秋,县政府拨出专款,在“天堂”的南面建了一座观鸟台。它四面留空,北面可瞰“天堂”的鸟儿栖息飞翔,东、南、西三面可观赏附近的田园景色和波光塔影。1997年,市政府为保护这一堪称“南国奇观”的旅游资源,专门制定了《新会市保护小鸟天堂暂行管理办法》,同时,将该市行政区划为禁猎区,在禁猎区内严禁任何单位和个人搜捕、销售和其它妨碍小鸟天堂主要鸟类生息繁衍和活动。在此基础上,先后投入资金在小鸟天堂北面开挖了一条长280米、宽30米的人工河,并利用人工河和原有的旧河围成一个面积约20亩的新小岛,在岛上种满榕树和竹子。此举不仅为小鸟天堂增添了景观,而且大大扩阔了小鸟生息繁衍的空间。此外,市人武部积极支持该市发展旅游事业,向小鸟天堂捐赠了两艘15马力的游艇,方便游人环岛观鸟,使观鸟者乐而忘返。

