
来源:百度文库 编辑:中科新闻网 时间:2024/10/03 15:20:17
1、Will Books Disappear?(根据及要求:1、目前有许多获得知识的途径。2、有人预言书籍即将消失。3、不赞同此预言的原因。4、结论。120词)
2、My Views On Examinations?(根据及要求:1、学校现在都用考试来衡量学生的成绩。2、考试可能带来的副作用。3、你对考试的看法。120词)
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Electric Tales--21st Century Books
1. It may be the last book you'll ever buy. And certainly, from a practical standpoint, it will be the only book you'll ever need. No, It's not the Bible or some New Age tome promising enlightenment--although it would let you carry around both texts simultaneously. It's an electronic book--a single volume that could contain a library of information or, if your tastes run toward what's current, every title on today's best-seller list. And when you're done with those, you could refill it with new titles.

2. Why an electronic book? Computers can store a ton of data and their laptop companions make all that information portable. True enough. But laptops and similar portable information devices require a lot of power--and heavy batteries--to keep their LCD screens operating. And LCDs are not easy to read in the bright light of the sun.

3. The fact is, when it comes to portability, easy viewing, and low power requirements, it's hard to beat plain old paper.

4. So let's make the ink electronic.

5. That's the deceptively simple premise behind a project currently coming to fruition at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Some hurdles--mostly having to do with large-scale manufacturing--remain, so it will be a few years before you see an electronic book for sale in stores. But the basic technology already exists, developed at the Institute's Media Lab by a team led by physicist Joe Jacobson.

6. Simply put, each paper page in an electronic book is coated with millions of microscopic particles encased in tiny capsules. Each of these microcapsules can respond independently to an electrical charge: Particles within the capsule moving to the rear appear dark while those moving toward the front look white. The direction in which the particles move depends upon whether a negative (dark) or positive (white) charge is applied. Each microcapsule is about 40 microns in size (that's a little less than half the thickness of a human hair ).

7. The number of microcapsules used on a given page is enormous. For instance, about 1,000 microcapsules might be used to create the letter "A" on this page. "The smaller the size of the letter the more micro-capsules you use," says Jacobson, "thereby improving resolution." The target is to have a "paper display" with a resolution higher than that offered by today's computer screens. More than static letters is at stake. Theoretically, the microcapsules could be programmed to "flip" rapidly between dark and white states, providing, for example, a sense of motion in a diagram showing how a car works.

8. Thanks to electronic ink, the book essentially typesets itself, receiving instructions for each page via electronics housed in the spine. From a power standpoint, this process makes the electronic book very efficient. Unlike an LCD screen, which uses power all the time, energy is no longer needed to view the electronic book's pages once they are typeset. Only a small battery would be required, as opposed to the large ones needed to power laptop computers and their LCDs.

9. Convenience, though, is still the main attraction--and that means more than simple portability. Because the information is in electronic form, it can be easily manipulated. You could, for instance, make the type larger for easier reading Or you could make notes in the margin with a stylus, your observations being stored on tiny, removable flash-memory cards in the spine.

10. It's likely that electronic books will come we-loaded with a selection of titles. New titles could be made available through flash-memory cards, for example. Jacobson, though, thinks the Internet will be the delivery method of choice. Imagine browsing through an online bookstore like www. amazon, corn. and downloading a novel into your electronic book via the modem in its spine. Transmitting Moby Dick would take about a minute. You could download a few titles, so you'll have a few good reads to choose from while you're relaxing at the beach. If your first choice is not to your liking, a new title becomes available at the push of a button.

11. Jacobson thinks an electronic book will be affordable--around $200 for a basic read-only model to about $400 for one that would record your margin scribbles. Some hurdles remain, though, before you can take an electronic book with you anywhere. Paper is produced in long sheets, and Jacobson is still working on the best method to integrate electronic ink into that process. To avoid having to use thousands of tiny wires on each page, the ink itself must be conductive. Such ink was recently demonstrated in the lab but has yet to be produced in volume. "Essentially," notes Jacobson, "we're trying to print chips."

12. Jacobson is confident, however, that this can be done on a large scale. If Jac0bson succeeds, he will have made the book for the 21st century.

Will book disappear?
In today's world there are many different ways to get the information we need from sources other than books. For example, the internet, useful TV programs, and sometimes we could even get information from what we can consider an "ancient device”, the radio.
Many people predict that in the future books will be substitute or it will slowly disappear, because of all the advanced technology we have today. But some will disagree with that, because there are many different reasons why books can not disappear the way we thought it would be. First book can be a item that you could keep and cherish all of your life, sometimes famous books can even be sold for a very high price. But you can’t keep computer document all of your life, even if you could, you still won’t make any money out of it. And for radio show and TV programs, you certainly can record them on a video or cassette, but they might be destroyed or ruined.
There are still many reasons why book can not disappear, or substituted, because it is important to us and it has become a part of our live. (197词)

My view on examinations
Examinations has become a big part of school, they are usually how school determine a student’s grade. The only way in which you can get a better life and by doing well on your examinations. Many professional disagree with this concept, because it has a very dark side to it.
In some cases students try to cheat on the test, sometimes they might get caught by the supervisors, but a lot of time the students who are cheating won’t even get caught. So what’s the point of having a examination then. Also in many cases student study day and night for the test, but some at the very last minute they blink out or they can not remember anything, because of the pressure in the testing room. So as you can see examinations can be very cruel and unfair to a lot of people.
In my opinion the Chinese Education Department should use a different kind of an approach, for example they could count the grade each student get during the school year and calculate into the system instead of a really big examination.
From the example above you could see why examinations sometimes can’t the best approach to grading a person, so in the future hopefully the generation after us can have a better grading system instead of a big examination (226词)


Will Books Disappear
考试--追溯到古朝的科举,“十年寒窗苦读,只为金榜题名”。直到现在我们依然用考试来衡量一个学生的好坏,并不是成绩不好就是坏学生,成绩好就一定是好学生。考试只能是对某一特定时期的总结或者是收获,如果你用心学了,知识记在了脑子里,自然能考好。但那些没考好的同学,在考试的时候才会体会到“书到用时方恨少”。所以,考试既是一种压力,也是自我检测的方法。只是大家都已经习惯了用成绩来衡量自己,我觉得太看重了。(不过中国国情是这样的) ;

