
来源:百度文库 编辑:中科新闻网 时间:2024/09/30 21:35:57
为什么我安装了3.0 但是在给mp3上传输歌曲的时候 出现一个窗口 具体内容是这样:cannot transfer from this omputer because the ATRAC audio device contains track from another computer. all the tracks on the ATRAC audio device must be deled before tracks can be transferred from this computer. if you authorize the ATRAC audio device,you will also be able to transfer tracks from other authorized computers. 就这样 不管怎么样都输不进去歌曲!!帮帮忙阿!!
有没有什么转换工具阿 给个地址阿 多谢!!!

如果要是,你最好直接把mp3转成 ATRAC3