
来源:百度文库 编辑:中科新闻网 时间:2024/09/28 23:27:25
Standing before the waves of an ocean ,a fellow deftly juggles two pentacles Is the mwaning quite clear now?Yes ,the instinctive knowledge of hoe to juggle finances,a check book,or jobs.As with the swords,you can't keep at it forever ,but it is a good use to put your money or hard work to until your ship comes in .Which is what the background waves are all about-keep juggling,relief is on its way.
不好意思写错了,修改如下:Standing before the waves of an ocean ,a fellow deftly juggles two pentacles Is the meaning quite clear now?Yes ,the instinctive knowledge of how to juggle finances,a check book,or jobs.As with the swords,you can't keep at it forever ,but it is a good use to put your money or hard work to until your ship comes in .Which is what the background waves are all about-keep juggling,relief is on its way.

在大海的波之前站立 , 一个人敏捷熟练地变戏法二个五角星形是相当现在清楚地出现?是的 , 锄头的本能知识变戏法财政,一本检查书或工作。关于刀剑,你在它永远地不能保存,但是它是一种好使用放你的钱或辛苦的工作到直到你的船受到的影响在。哪一是波是全部大约什么背景-继续变戏法,减轻在途中。

站立在海洋,a 家伙的波浪灵巧地玩杂耍二pentacles 之前是mwaning 相当清楚now?Yes 、锄本能知识玩杂耍财务, 一本支票簿, 或jobs.As 与剑, 您无法永远保持在它, 但这是一个好用途投入您的金钱或坚苦工作对直到您的船进来Which 是什么背景波浪是所有关于保留玩杂耍, 安心是在它的途中。


站在一个海洋波浪,两兄弟动作拼凑Pentacles意思很清楚,是吗? 不错,本能的了解如何兼顾金融检查书,或与jobs.as剑,你不能永远下去,这是一个好把你的钱和辛勤工作,直到你的船来. 这是波的背景是什么,让大、减免途中.