plc k8:西安 名胜古迹 简介 英文

来源:百度文库 编辑:中科新闻网 时间:2024/10/02 17:40:58

Bell Tower 钟楼 Drum Tower 鼓楼 Mt. Huashan 华山
Huaqing Hot Spring 华清池
Terra Cotta Warriors and Horses 兵马俑
Small Wild Goose Pagoda 小雁塔
Big Wild Goose pagoda 大雁塔
Lotus Palace of Tang Dynasty 大唐芙蓉园
Famen Temple 法门寺

钟楼 ·鼓楼 ·西安城墙 卧龙寺石刻画像及铁钟 ·西安碑林 ·草堂寺 ·兴庆宫遗址 ·西安城隍庙 ·元斡尔垛遗址 ·鼎湖延寿宫遗址 ·半坡遗址 ·姜寨遗址 ·丰镐遗址 ·秦汉栎阳城遗址 ·秦始皇陵与兵马俑坑 ·阿房宫遗址 ·汉长安城遗址 ·汉太液池遗址 ·杜陵 ·蔡文姬墓 ·华清宫遗址 ·建章宫前殿遗址 ·隋唐圜丘 ·大兴善寺 ·大明宫遗址 ·隋唐长安城遗址 ·圣寿寺塔 ·仙游寺法王塔 ·隋唐灞桥遗址 ·西安事变旧址 ·西安八路军办事处旧址 ·杨虎城将军烈士陵园 ·嘉午台 ·翠华山 ·骊山 ·终南山 ·太白山
The clock building the · drum the building · Xian of city wall lie the dragon temple the sculpture carvings portrait and the iron clock the · Xian of stone tablet LIN2 · CAO3 a temple the · xing celebrate the temple ruins · Xian of a haner duo ruins · ding the lake postpone the plentiful gao of · of ruins of zhai of ginger of · of ruins of po of half of · of ruins of temple of life ruins · QIN2 HAN4 LI4 sun city ruins · Qin Shi huang ling and terra cotta warrior pit · e building temple ruins · han Chang-an city ruins · han too pure temple of hua of · of last home of ji of text of Cai of · of ling of du of · of ruins of pond of liquid ruins the · set up a temple ex- palace ruins · Sui Tang yuanqiu · big xing well temple · big and clear temple ruins · Sui Tang Chang-an city ruins · saint life temple tower the · pass away the temple method Wang's Sui Tang ba bridge ruins · 1936 Xian Incident old address · Xian eight road soldier office old address · YANG2 HU3 CHENG2 general martyr memorial park · jia noon set ·cui Hua Mountain · li mountain · eventually south mountain · too white mountain


钟楼是bell tower
