
来源:百度文库 编辑:中科新闻网 时间:2024/10/05 10:40:26
truth in tarot
sorry i have to write in english... not really confident in my written chinese. this is quite an interesting forum, with both professional and amateur opinions on the practise of tarot. however, i have noticed one thing that is very different from western tarot forums: you guys are making too much a fuss over the tarot ritual, while ignoring the deeper meanings of each card and what they represent in their astrological and symbological appearance. i don't see tarot as a mysterious divination tool. it's an ancient way of healing and transformation. before the establishment of psychotherapy, good tarot readers are the sources for those who are seeking psychological aid. tarot's power lies in the way you interpret it, i.e. your personal power of mind. things happened in the past and present rooted deep in your sub-counscious mind, as Freud said, that's the ninety percent of the iceberg hidden below the water, which you don't see, but counts for most of your daily behaviours. tarot reveals this level of your concisousness and cast light on your truth desire and instinct. it's the link between you conciousness and subconsciousness. if you understand this keypoint of tarot practising, you'll never see it the same you you did.
btw, there are indeed many people who are practising magical rituals. many of the claimed to have achieved quite a high spiritual development. if you are serious about tarot, look into it's mythological origin. there are also many ways to help you clear your mind before your reading, e.g. golden dawn has a set of meditation designed for tarot readers.
good luck with your readings, and hope you see further than the simple cards tell :-)

I don't know much about tarot,but I think you are right in your understanding of tarot. The result that tarot shows could be interpretated in different ways all depending on who practise it. It is a process of reading your self-conscious rather than a way to predict your future.

Very sorry, my English level is not very good
But my really very grateful you come to this forum
Looking you is also a TAROT fancier
To you's ories I mean the approbation
Hope the here can bring help for you
Also hope that you can support the here
Thank you again

抱歉我必须用英语写… 不真正地确信用我的书面汉语。这相当是一个有趣的论坛, 以关于tarot实践的专业和非职业观点。然而, 我注意了是非常与西部tarot论坛不同的一件事:你们做许多忙乱在tarot仪式, 当忽略每张卡片的更加深刻的意思,并且时什么他们在他们的占星术和symbological出现上代表。我不看tarot作为一个神奇占卜工具。它是愈合和变革一个古老方式。 在精神疗法的创立之前, 好tarot读者是来源为寻找心理援助的那些人。tarot的力量在就象您解释它的.您的头脑的个人力量。 事在发生了过去和现在根源深深于您的次级counscious头脑, 如同弗洛伊德说,那是在水之下掩藏的冰山的百分之九十, 哪些您没看见, 但为大多您的每日行为计数。 tarot在您的真相欲望和天性显露您的concisousness和塑像光的这个水平。它是您之间的链接知觉和下意识。 如果您了解这keypoint tarot实践, 您不会看见它同样您所做的。btw, 的确有实践不可思议的仪式的许多人。 许多被要求相当达到了高精神发展。如果您对tarot是严肃的, 调查它是神话起源。 也有许多方式帮助您在您的读书之前清除您的头脑, e.g.金黄黎明有为tarot读者凝思设计的一套。 好运与您的读书, 并且希望您进一步比简单的卡片看见知道:-)我不知道关于tarot,但我认为您正确在对tarot的您的理解。 tarot显示的结果可能被解释用不同的方式全部根据谁实践它。 它是读您自觉的过程而不是方式预言您的未来。


sorry i have to write in english... not really confident in my written chinese.
this is quite an interesting forum, with both professional and amateur opinions on the practise of tarot.
however, i have noticed one thing that is very different from western tarot forums:
you guys are making too much a fuss over the tarot ritual,

while ignoring the deeper meanings of each card and what they represent in their astrological and symbological appearance. i don't see tarot as a mysterious divination tool. it's an ancient way of healing and transformation. before the establishment of psychotherapy, good tarot readers are the sources for those who are seeking psychological aid. tarot's power lies in the way you interpret it, i.e. your personal power of mind. things happened in the past and present rooted deep in your sub-counscious mind, as Freud said, that's the ninety percent of the iceberg hidden below the water, which you don't see, but counts for most of your daily behaviours. tarot reveals this level of your concisousness and cast light on your truth desire and instinct. it's the link between you conciousness and subconsciousness. if you understand this keypoint of tarot practising, you'll never see it the same you you did.
btw, there are indeed many people who are practising magical rituals. many of the claimed to have achieved quite a high spiritual development. if you are serious about tarot, look into it's mythological origin. there are also many ways to help you clear your mind before your reading, e.g. golden dawn has a set of meditation designed for tarot readers.
good luck with your readings, and hope you see further than the simple cards tell :-)

I don't know much about tarot,but I think you are right in your understanding of tarot. The result that tarot shows could be interpretated in different ways all depending on who practise it. It is a process of reading your self-conscious rather than a way to predict your future.

Very sorry, my English level is not very good
But my really very grateful you come to this forum
Looking you is also a TAROT fancier
To you's ories I mean the approbation
Hope the here can bring help for you
Also hope that you can support the here
Thank you again

难过的 i 必须在 english 中写。。。 不是真的自信在我的书面 chinese 中。 这相当是一个有趣的论坛, 藉由专业人士和业余者意见在塔罗纸牌的练习上。 然而, i 已经注意非常不同于塔罗纸牌论坛西部的一件事物: 当不理睬每张卡片和他们表现的较深的意义的时候,你们正在作在塔罗纸牌仪式上的太多大惊小怪在他们的占星和 symbological 外表。 i 没视塔罗纸牌为神秘的占卜工具。 它是痊愈的远古方法和变形。 在精神疗法的建立之前,好塔罗纸牌读者是正在寻求心理学的帮助的人的来源。 在方法中的塔罗纸牌力量谎言你解释它, 也就是你的思想的个人力量。事物在你的子 counscious 思想的过去的和现在的生根深处中发生了, 因为佛洛伊德说,那是在水下面被藏的冰山的九十百分比, 你没见到, 但是为你的每日行为的大部分计算。 塔罗纸牌在你的事实欲望和本能上显示这水平的你的 concisousness 和演员阵容光。 它是那联编在你之间 conciousness 和潜在意识。 如果你了解练习的塔罗纸牌的这 keypoint,你将会不再见到它一样的你做的你。
btw,有的确许多正在练习不可思议的仪式的人。 多数那要求到已经相当达成高的精神上的发展。 如果你对塔罗纸牌持认真态度, 调查它是神话的起源。也有许多方法完全帮助你在你的阅读之前的你的思想,举例来说金的破晓为塔罗纸牌读者设计一组沉思。
和你的阅读的好运气 , 和希望你比简单的卡片更进一步见到 :-)

我不知道很多有关塔罗纸牌,但是我认为你正确地在你的塔罗纸牌的理解方面。 结果塔罗纸牌表演可能是 interpretated 在不同的方面全部在谁练习它之上靠。 它是读你的程序自我意识强的并非一个方法预测你的未来。

非常难过的, 我的英文水平不是很好
对你 ories 我意指认可