家里跳闸了怎么恢复:几个成语英语翻译 急!!!

来源:百度文库 编辑:中科新闻网 时间:2024/07/04 03:47:53
三言两语,固执己见,坐失良机,横贯平原,引人入胜,欣喜若狂,鼎立相助, 一事无成,刮目相看,有求必应,立杆见影,分秒必争,众口难调,祸不单行, 视而不见,身临其境

三言两语:in a few words
固执己见 : self-opinion
坐失良机: miss the boat
横贯平原:Crosses the plain
欣喜若狂:jump out of one's skin
鼎立相助:Stands like a tripod helps one another
一事无成:accomplish nothing
刮目相看:look at sb with new eyes
有求必应:grant whatever is requested
立杆见影:get effect instantly
分秒必争:not a second is to be lost
众口难调:it is difficult to cater for all tastes
祸不单行:Misfortunes never come singly
视而不见:turn a blind eye to
身临其境:be personally on the scene
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san yan liang yu
1.in a few words; in one or two words; with just a few words

gu zhi ji jian
1.stubborn; opinionated
2.to adhere stubbornly to one's own ideas; to stick to one's own view; to cling obstinately to one's own opinions; to sit tight; to stubbornly persist in one's opinions

zuo shi liang ji
1.to let slip a good opportunity; to lose a good chance; to let the grass grow under one's feet

yin ren ru sheng
1.to lead one into wonderland
2.absorbing; engrossing; alluring; attractive

yi shi wu cheng
1.to accomplish nothing; to get nowhere