
来源:百度文库 编辑:中科新闻网 时间:2024/10/03 03:37:05
每当想起Beckham在球场边掩面而泣,想起Terry靠在Beckham的肩上哭泣,想到Rio坐在球场上久久不动,一直哭泣....... 唉,多么伤感的世界杯啊.

Whenever thinks about Beckham to cover face and weep in the field, thinks about Terry to depend in the Beckham shoulder sobs, thought Rio sits in the field is motionless for a very long time, continuously sobs.

oh, How sad World Cup.

Once the scene Beckham wept with palms hiding his face beside the football field, and the scene Terry leant on Beckham's shoulder weeping, and Rio kept on weeping sitting on the field like a log...once these scenes come to me, I can't help lamenting, "How sentimental the World Cup is!"
