极路由1s udp:请问谁能帮我翻译过来 我很着急 谢谢

来源:百度文库 编辑:中科新闻网 时间:2024/07/02 20:10:09
How is Hoehot now that your wife is with you? Where is your shop? I only know the area around the train station and around old town.

It rains here every night. The mosquitos are many. Soon the summer program begins. I will have a lot more work in the summer than now.

There is a student sleeping in my room right now. I have many visitors, but none in my bed!!! So sad. hahaha.. There is one man I like. He is very nice, very ugly and very sincere. He is a good guy. There is another Harbin man here in Beijing that wants to talk to me. He will soon move to New Zealand. I like Harbin people. I would move there if it was warmer. I like the HEAT.

How is your business? I wish i was there. I would like to help you start your business. Maybe we can have tourist stop at your shop and learn to paint the faces!! Tourists like that kind of thing.


