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Barenboim's Warm Farewell to Chicago

Published: June 19, 2006
CHICAGO, June 18 — At a guess, no one has ever accused Daniel Barenboim of false modesty. Mr. Barenboim — pianist, conductor and music director of the Chicago Symphony Orchestra since 1991 — ended his tenure in grandiose fashion last week, conducting the ninth and culminating symphonies of Mahler, Bruckner and Beethoven on consecutive evenings in Orchestra Hall.

Daniel Barenboim conducts his final concert with the Chicago Symphony at Orchestra Hall.

What's more, Mr. Barenboim opened two of the concerts conducting from the piano, in Elliott Carter's "Soundings," on Thursday, and Beethoven's Choral Fantasy, on Saturday. He went a bit easier on himself in Friday's opener, commanding a huge orchestra in Pierre Boulez's "Notations" for orchestra.

Happily, in addition to a maestro-size ego, Mr. Barenboim mostly has the goods to back it up. Though only fitfully compelling, his Ninthfest was impressive overall and drenched in a sense of occasion. In addition the repertory could hardly have been chosen better to show how Mr. Barenboim had changed the personality of the orchestra from what it had been under his legendary predecessor, Georg Solti.

It was a performance of Mahler's Ninth Symphony at Carnegie Hall in 1987 that convinced me, at least, that the vaunted power and precision of Solti's brass-heavy Chicago Symphony had devolved into caricature, with a machine-tooled sonority and a steamroller impact devoid of subtlety and vulnerability. The melting opening theme of Mahler's Ninth was utterly cold, steely and impassive that night, and the rest of the performance — much of the rest of Solti's tenure — followed suit.

Mr. Barenboim, in contrast, caught the ineffable warmth of that sighing string theme on Thursday. In a real change for this orchestra, it was the strings that impressed most in the other symphonies as well, plush and supple in the subsidiary themes of the first and third movements of Bruckner's Ninth and in Beethoven's Adagio. And quiet moments (taken to a showy extreme in the low strings' proclamation of Beethoven's great "Ode to Joy" theme) were as charged with intensity as loud ones. Not that the orchestra — especially those huffing and puffing brasses — has lost any of its power. Nor did Mr. Barenboim hesitate to draw on it where appropriate. Bruckner's trademark brass choruses were firmly voiced and admirably balanced.

The home audience might have wondered, with such a quick turnaround of programs, how much rehearsal went into them. But this is the sort of thing major orchestras do often on tour, planning a season or two in advance to make sure that the desired repertory is already well in hand.

巴伦邦的热情告别芝加哥 詹姆斯ROestreich 出版:2006年6月19日 芝加哥6月18-猜测,从来没有人指责丹尼尔巴伦邦假谦虚. 巴伦邦先生--钢琴家、指挥家、音乐总监的芝加哥交响乐团自1991年他的任期结束,上周大流行,并进行最后的第九交响曲,马勒、贝多芬的作品,连续在傍晚乐团音乐厅. 丹尼尔巴伦邦最后演唱会在与芝加哥交响乐团音乐厅乐团. 何况先生的巴伦邦开演唱会进行两次从钢琴、伊利的"深",周四、贝多芬的幻想合唱、周六. 他对自己较易星期五的开放,指挥一支庞大的乐队在皮埃尔奴"符号"乐队. 令人高兴的是,除了有歌手规模膨胀先生巴伦邦货物大多已经作为后盾. 虽然只是难以令人信服,他ninthfest湿透了令人印象深刻,整体感的时刻. 除了丰富的选择更是难以说明先生的性格改变巴伦邦乐团一直跟在他的传奇,前任指挥乔治. 这是一个表现的马勒<第九交响曲>在卡内基音乐厅于1987年,我相信,至少自诩实力和精确的指挥的青铜重芝加哥交响乐团已经变成漫画,有机器啊,演出了压影响缺乏含蓄和弱点. 大开放的主题马勒<第九完全是冷,像是无动于衷,那一夜,其余的表现无懈可击,其余大部分的土地,跟随. 巴伦邦先生,相反,还会引起温暖,弦乐声周四主题. 一个真正改变这个乐团,但条件是,最深刻的其他交响乐等柔软的长毛绒,主题附属第一、第三运动作品的第九和贝多芬的慢板. 与宁静时刻(送到秀的极端条件低的宣布贝多芬伟大",快乐颂"主题),被控在激烈的响亮. 不是乐团,不然,尤其是不少另类的任何损失的权力. 巴伦邦先生也没有适当地利用它. 作品的合唱团都坚决表示,商标铜管令人均衡. 观众可能不在家,这么快脱困方案,多少进入排练. 而这正是大乐团做的事往往就行,计划提前两个季度或以确保预期的剧目已经顺利进行.