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effects of local buckling on channel column strength are accurately quantified in
these papers for both lipped and unlipped channels.
Axial compression tests on cold-formed angles have been performed by Popovic
et al. [12,13]. The first paper [12] investigates both fixed-ended and pin-ended columns
with the pin-ended columns free to buckle about the minor principal axis. The
effect of loading eccentricity is studied in detail for these cold-formed angles with
a nominal yield stress of 450 MPa. Recommendations on load eccentricity to be
used for design are given in the paper. The second paper [13] studies slender section
angles with eccentric loads which caused bending parallel with a leg as is common
in practical applications. Both papers compare the results with American and Australian
steel design standards and make recommendations for improved design. The
results of Popovic et al. [12] have been incorporated into the new North American
Design Specification [8] so that nonslender section cold-formed angles no longer
need to be designed with an eccentricity of L/1000.
Perforated sections commonly occur in storage rack structures. Pu et al. [14] have
investigated the effects of rectangular holes on lipped channels. They show that the
position of the holes relative to the effective area is important and provide an accurate
476 G.J. Hancock / Journal of Constructional Steel Research 59 (2003) 473–487
design method. Dhanalakshmi and Shanmugam [15] studied cold-formed equal angle
steel stub columns with openings. Experimental and finite element studies have been
used to develop a simple design model for ultimate capacity. The openings studied
were basically rectangular with circular ends

局部屈曲对通路柱长的影响在这些开口通道和非开口通道研究的论文得以精确地定量。Popovic 等做了冷成形角的轴向压缩测试 [12,13]. 第一篇论文[12] 研究了固定端和自由销端柱最小主轴的屈曲. 负载偏心率对这些冷成形角在450 MPa的屈服应力时的影响得以详尽研究。本文给出了用于设计负载偏心率的建议。第二篇论文 [13] 研究了带有偏心负载的细面角,引起了实践应用中常见的平行于一条腿的翘曲。两篇文章均比较了美国和澳大利亚钢设计标准的结果并指出了改良设计的建议。Popovic 等的结果[12]和新北美设计规范 [8]结合起来以便于非细长面的冷成形角用L/1000偏心率的设计. 有空面通常在储藏架结构中。Pu 等. [14]研究了矩形孔对开口通道的效果,表明孔相对于有效面的位置是重要的,提供了一个精确的设计方法。 Dhanalakshmi 和Shanmugam [15]研究了带有开口的冷成形等边角钢桩柱。试验和有限元分析研究用于开发了一种简单的极限容量设计模型。研究的开口基本上是带有环状末端的矩形。

后果不堪当地有实力的准确数量的频道栏 这些文件都守口如瓶,unlipped渠道. 压缩实验测试低温方面已形成由波波维奇 Al网站. [十二]. 头文件12调查固定名额,寄名额栏目 寄与名额自由带扣的小栏目主轴. < 偏心负荷的影响,详细研究这些冷与角度形成 名义上强调产量4.5MPA. 建议将偏心负荷 设计用来提供的文件. 第二纸高13研究组 偏心负荷造成弯曲角度与配合,共同腿 在实际应用. 比较两文件的结果,与美国和澳大利亚 钢铁设计标准设计和改进建议. < 波波维奇东Al结果. [12]已纳入新北美 8设计规格,冷节Nonslender形成角度不再 需要设计的有偏心L/1000. 通常发生在仓库墙壁部分排架结构. Al志森. 有14 调查出来的效果方形洞口渠道. 他们显示 该洞的相对位置,并提供有效的重要领域,是一项正确的 476259; 汉考克/钢铁研究学报>59(2003)的结构473-487 设计方法. 15、尚Dhanalakshmi研究低温形成平等角度 开栏与钢铁存根. 研究内容及有限的实验已 用一个简单的设计开发能力,最终模式. 该工程研究 基本上,方形循环结束